
9-11 {a lil about me...the author}

September 11 is my one day out of the year that I claim full leeway for anything I want to do. And my husband is the best to comply! It's my birthday of coarse! I'm still like a little kid when it comes to my birthday! I hope you're all enjoying your day. If you're comepletely bored, I thought I'd share a lil bit about myself. (I was bald for like over a year of my life...trust me, my mom didn't forget to remind me and then of coarse...my daughter inherited the same trait!...Oh well!)

When I was little I always had a straight white line across my nose because when I smiled, my little pig nose would scrunch up. The sun never got there because I was ALWAYS smiling.

I lucked-out greatly with a great childhood and amazing family! I was the second to youngest of 7 kids.
I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters.
I ran cross country and track and played basketball all four years in high school...some SERIOUS good times. I was a yearbook editor and a part of multiple nerd clubs such as Business Professionals of America and Key Club.

I married almost exactly a YEAR after I graduated. Which was SO unplanned. I promised myself I'd be at least 23 when I got married. But then i kinda met someone perfect, so I married at 19 instead.
The best decision of my life.

I dont take my friends for granted. Friends are dear to me,and they mean the world to me. They're always on my mind even if they dont know it. Friends are God's way of giving us more sisters we never had. But for me, just giving me more sisters, cause I have many, but NEVER enough!

Family is my purpose. I live happily because of Family.

I'm a quarter of a century today. It has almost taken me this long to find myself. I've learned that individuality is unique, and that being your own kind of beautiful is rare. Being me is a privelage from God, and I accept it full heartedly and ignore what others might think of me.
I love LOVE.
I love it. I wish people would embrace LOVE more. Wether it's loving yourself, your family, your neighbor or your enemies. Love is too important to make it secondhand.
I love my country. I love my religion. I think they go hand in hand. I feel the spirit when I'm being patriotic, and I wish we could find a better and more meaningful way to support our troops. I commend them and what they've sacrificed.
I'm a passionate person. I never do things lightly. If I'm going to find a new hobby, it's has to be a passion.
I love to read, speaking of which, if you have any book suggestions...I'm very open and eager!
I'm also VERY sarcastic. It's hard for me to be serious (which I'm sure can be even slightly annoying to my husband at times). I'm not a worrier. It takes a lot to make me worry about something.
Thanks to everyone who has visited and supported That's So Cuegly. You're more than welcome to hang out on my blog porch ANYTIME! I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me, because I've surely made SO many cyber friends, and truely appreciate your friendship!

If you're COMPLETELY bored, you can learn more about me
by clicking of the top left button in the side bar :)


  1. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great one!

  2. I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!! AND I plan to do everything I can to help make that happen!!!! Thanks for being my friend!!! You are a truly talented and amazing person!!!! I don't have sisters...just one brother...so my friends are my sisters! LOVE YOU!!!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday! It was fun to learn a little more about you.

  4. happy 25th sweetie pie.

  5. I'm fairly new here...but hey, birthdays are great! Have a super day!!!

  6. Happy birthday! I was in track in HS and I got married at 19 AND I was in BPS and Key club too! :) Fun stuff! Oh but I was bald until 3...seriously...and so was my daughter. So sad. ;)

  7. PS...My favorite books are the Hunger Games, Harry Potter books, and Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. Oh I really like 19 minutes and My Sister's Keeper as well. Have your read any/all of those?

  8. It's great to learn more about you! Thanks for sharing this :-) It was fun to read.

    Also, I love your hair! It's so pretty.

    And I agree with all the things you said about love :-)

  9. Happy birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day.

  10. Happy Birthday! And congrats on not being bald anymore. :) (I was the same way as a babe... stark bald. My kids have been, too... oh, well.)

    Enjoy your day.

  11. Happy bday!!! I think you would like charlaine harris (sookie stackhouse novels) and janet evonovitch (stephanie plum). Fun easy read you can't put down. Enjoy your day

  12. Anonymous9/11/2010

    Happy Birthday Lindsay, I hope your day was a wonderful one, and you got everything your heart asked for!!

  13. Hey! 9-11 is my birthday too! I just turned 27. And I'm lovin life more than ever! Love your blog too!

  14. Happy belated birthday Lindsay! This is such a great post - very inspiring. Sometimes I worry too much and wish I didn't! I too wish people would embrace love more - even myself. I'll be visiting your blog a lot more and I'm a new follower. :O)

    ~ www.billiemonter.com ~

  15. I think that we have a lot in common! I am the oldest of soon to be 12 and I also got married when I was 19. Happy Birthday!!!

    Bonnie :)

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! loved this post & learning a bit more about you!
