
Shirt Revamp: {for my daughter}

I recently went through my closet and was getting rid of some clothes. I found a few pieces I thought I could revamp for my little 1 (soon to be 2) year old.
So here's the before...
I dont have a pic of me wearing it, but I think the last time I DID wear it was last year to the local fair...it comes down to about my mid booty.I am the OPPOSITE of a professional sewer. So I just take something that my daughter fits in now, and go with the flow. I brought each strap (front and back) in about a quarter of an inch and then made the straps half as long. Then I just turned the shirt inside-out and sewed down both sides to about the size of a T-shirt that fits her. (Cut off the excess) Then I cut off the bottom hem pieces and moved it up about 5 inches. It was really really simple! I'm so LAZY that I even used black thread. I know, I know...I'm.that.lazy.
But she's lookin pretty spiffy, might I add...Notice the little lumpies on her hip... They're suppose to be there...I added some little fabric flowers out of the extra material and added a button in the center.

This was a simple revamp from last fall.
Same idea. (Meaning SO SIMPLE)
{click on pic}

So my halloween decor is up... I'll be sharing soon! Thanks for stoppin!


  1. what a great idea that turned out soo adorable :)

  2. Your littel girl is so cute. Love the fabric flowers. They are the perfect touch. Those leggings are so awesome. I haven't seen them in years (since the 80's maybe). I would love them to be in style again.

  3. 1. She's gorgeous!

    2. So is the dress.

    Great job! I am that kind of sewer too... who needs patterns, really? ;)

  4. That makes me want to create w/ my little cutie! Your daughter is beautiful! LOVE the pics & her in shades! :)
