
Crash Testing...{that's all}

So...would you believe me if I told you that I had TWO laptops self destruct this past weekend? I still dont beleive it myself. We dont own a desk top, only laptops. And might I add that I take GREAT pride in how I take care of my computers. Cleaning off the cookies and junk, and making sure to do a system restore when needed. I love my computer...I cherish the darn thing. I've had my laptop for almost 6 years and it hasn't slowed down a bit and is (was) in great tip-top condition.
Well...My son (who is four...no need to name names) spilled water on it. I didn't know it and it sat there for hours. I freaked when I saw the puddle on my keyboard. (Freaked isn't an overstatement...ask my DH. He was the calm one for once, and I was pulling my hair out). Well, it's gone...seriously gone. I even bought a USB keyboard and there's more damage than I care to mention. Speaking of mentioning...I should probably mention that I was scaring my son at the time of the accident. I admit it. It was my fault. I love to scare people, and it came back to bite me in the booty...hard.
So I was heart broken. (and grateful that everything was saved onto my external harddrive) I felt betrayed and wanted to follow through with the following...

But there's no reason to get crazy over something you have no control over right?
Well here's the thing...The next day (Friday) I get on my husbands school laptop. I used it once (to post the silhouette winner previously posted). I logged off. And didn't get back on to the copmuter untill Monday. A virus had eaten it alive, with out my knowledge or consent. My husband mentioned that Norton had expired about a week ago. GREAT.

I felt like this...there was nothing I could do. My life as I know it was slipping through my fingers.

You know what...strike that...I felt like this...

I'll be up and running when Best Buy fixes my computer in 7-10 business day.
Untill next time
(I wont be sitting on my inlaws computer)
please still love me


  1. Terrible, terrible. But think of all the things you'll probably get done now though. All the places you can go. Except you won't be able to find them because you don't have mapquest. Rest assured, you still be loved.

  2. I am soo sorry for you. That sucks. There was a while when we were limping by with a terrible old desk top that would shut down in the middle of doing things. I don't know what I would do with out my laptop. but next time your norton runs out my hubbys computer genius freind said they use microsoft security essentials it is free and has treate us great. :) good luck hope you are up and running soon

  3. I am soo sorry for you. That sucks. There was a while when we were limping by with a terrible old desk top that would shut down in the middle of doing things. I don't know what I would do with out my laptop. but next time your norton runs out my hubbys computer genius freind said they use microsoft security essentials it is free and has treate us great. :) good luck hope you are up and running soon

  4. Anonymous11/18/2010

    I lost everything on my desk top last Dec, I mean wedding, honeymoon, every vacation we'd ever taken, thousands of photos, my whole iTunes library thousands of song, gone...so I got a Mac, and haven't looked back since, best computer in the world, took some time getting used to but I love it and wont use a PC ever again (for personal use), I would honestly say give them a good looking at, if you have an Apple store nearby, they'll give you all the low down and you can even take classes on how to do stuff!

    P.S. Good job for having the external hard drive, we're still trying to get the photos off the damaged hard drive to get them on an external!

  5. Anonymous12/20/2012

    I think, by now, all your laptop woes are solved. But I hear you. A laptop crash can be a pain! You keep on thinking about the files that you need to retrieve and recover. And days without your laptop are unimaginable. Thank goodness, I knew someone who knows how to solve such problems. Aside from laptop fixes, he also knows how to upgrade parts and computer system. That is an added bonus! [Benita Bolland]

  6. “But there's no reason to get crazy over something you have no control over right?”---- Yeah, we really can’t do anything about it if our computer finally decides to give up. We cannot keep this from happening, but we can keep our data secure even if our PC breaks down. You should always have a backup of your files. You would totally be upset if you lose not just your computer, but all of your important files as well. That's a major heartache! Ruby Badcoe

  7. I think the worst that can be happen to you is your laptop crashing when you’re trying to meet a deadline. Awww! Now, that’s really a problem! I’d probably get frustrated. But, of course, I wouldn’t grieve over my laptop. Things like that really happen, and you’re free to replace your laptop any time. ;)

    Lakendra Wiltse
