
Earmuffs...because they're cooler

I know I know. Everyone wears those knitted ear warmers with the flower on the front and the button in the back. They're cute and a great invention...I'll admit, but I STILL LIKE EARMUFFS BETTER. It's funny that everyone leaves on they're knitted warmers because once you've put them on you have 'Ear Warmer Hair' So they leave them on all day. Earmuffs are faster easier and I'm going to prove that they're just as cute!
My grandmother bought me some grey knitted earmuffs at Kohls on sale. SHWEET! So as soon as I got home I whipped out my grey panel of felt (and a tan one too) and started cutting different sizes of flower pedals!

Hot glued them into pedal shape... Easy so far right?

Start glueing on earmuffs in random fashion... Barely poking off the edge.

It looks like a windmill!

Start layer number two of pedals. Make them a touch shorter and wedge them a little in between the first row...

Here's two layers!

And here's three! Cut the third row even shorter and wedge them because you dont want this flower to poke out a foot off your head. Just something to keep in mind.

Add a button!

Take a photoshoot of them...

And apply!

Thanks to my grandma for seeing that fashion sometimes does come first ;) hee hee. And for my sister in law for modeling. Love. Her.

I'm thinking...How fun would it be to make a matching scarf?...hmm

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. adorable. missed you on turkey day. we made flowers too! this is so cute on britt. her profile looks just like her mom. beautiful.

  2. These are soo cute. you and my daughter must be kndred spirits she has been begging me for ear muffs for like two years I am soo going to do this for her for christmas :)

  3. Those are so cute. And your sis in law is adorable!

  4. These are so adorable! I want a pair for me!

  5. SO SO CUTE! Way cooler than those knitted flower ones that EVERYONE is walking around with.

  6. SO cute! You are so creative!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of Craft

  7. These are adorable. I featured these at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com earlier today!

  8. Anonymous11/29/2010

    Super cute!

  9. CUTE! I gave you an award! Check it out!


  10. I featured this on my blog today!


  11. Anonymous7/17/2011

    So cute!
