
Oil Cleansing Method or OCM

I notice a lot of you in the search engine look up Grape Seed Oil.
I'm so glad! Because it's so important!
WHY would you ever put oil on your face???
Well...let me tell you:

Do not be afraid of applying oil to your face. Pimples, cysts, zits, blackheads, whiteheads...these are a result of several different factors including hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells and the buildup of these factors. Your skin naturally produces oil because it needs it.

MYTH: You have acne because you have very oily skin.
FACT: Your skin naturally produces the oil to clean out your pores and acne.

Not only does your natural oil help lubricate, it also heals, protects, and moisturizes your skin so that it may function properly. Properly functioning skin is beautiful, clear, and glowing. Learning to work with your skin, not against it, will save you tremendously.

(While we're talking about clarifying your skin externally, we must also touch on the internal aspect. WATER! Drink no less than 8 glasses of water a day. If your skin has issues with blemishes, drink up! Water will help release and remove the toxins from within, lessening the load on your skin to push the toxins out. Carry a bottle of water around with you throughout the day so water is always available).


First you want to do the OCM only at night and simply wash your face with water in the mornings. Easy enough right?

First wash your face gently with water. (remove your mascara at this time too...although I've discovered that the oil will remove it) Then take your oil mixture and massage it into your face as if you are at a spa (nice right?) Massage for 30 seconds and then take your wash rag with the hottest water you can stand and wipe off excess oil.

Next you'll take your mixture, and apply and massage again. This time take your wash rag and reheat with water, ring out the excess water and lay it over your face. Keep it there until it reaches room temp. Then wipe off the excess with your rag and pat your face dry. You're done.

Q? Will my face feel all oily and slimy?
A. NO! It's so fabulous! It's leaves you with a nice mat finish and delicious skin!

The basic concept of this skin care and cleansing method is that the oil used to massage your skin will dissolve the oil that has hardened with impurities and found itself stuck in your pores. The steam will open your pores, allowing the oil to be easily removed. And now you have delicious oil that will soak up all night.

Have I mentioned that this is also a perfect anti aging method? Ya...it has it's benefits. I don't use night cream or moisturizer because the OCM takes care of all that. (I admit, I still use my under eye cream)


Oily Skin: Try a blend of 30% Castor Oil to 70% Grape Seed Oil.
Balanced Skin: Try a blend of 20% Castor Oil to 80% Sunflower Seed Oil.
Dry Skin: Try a blend of 10% Castor Oil to 90% Grape Seed Oil.

Jojoba Oil can also be used as well to switch out the Castor Oil, and Sunflower Seed Oil is another good one. So try and see what you like best.
I find that this is not only relaxing. It's like having your own personal spa-night every night. You can find multiple reviews for the method over the web, but let me give you my own.
I never broke out in high school. MAN I thought I was lucky. But then I started getting older and having kids and my body decided that change is good. (I can expect a breakout every month if you know what I mean) So I took to this method and found MmmAzing results. And a NEW change for my skin...for the best.

I have a brother in law still in high school who suffers from acne. My inlaws tried EVERYTHING in the book. Prescriptions, proactive, voodoo (just kidding about that one). And he was really really hesitant to put oil on his face, but finally after nothing was working, he gave it a last resort shot. That was a year ago and he's still having great success.

Hope you give it at least ONE try! The results are amazing!
(Benefits for EVERY AGE!)

Enjoy your night at the SPA
{Are you going to try it?}


  1. I've been wanting to try this. Where do you get your oil?

  2. I get the grape seed oil at Winco :) Cooking isle :)

  3. Do you make up your own concoction with the percentages you gave in the article?

  4. Yes, just buy the oils and concoct! I some days just use grape seed oil as you'll see in previous posts though. So it's up to you, but any and either is great!

  5. Use Niapads (nicotinamide acne pads). One simple step helps exfoliate, open clogged pores and eliminates acne causing bacteria. Contains Lavender oil – great moisturizer and antibacterial.
    Free Shipping within US and Canada. Visit www.niapads.com

  6. I just realized this is kinda like what the Romans did back in the day

  7. Awesome... thank you! I LOVE all of your grapeseed entries. :) I'm sort of a skin nazi. HAHA!

  8. so excited - got my castor oil today...going to try grapeseed oil first.

    Did you find you went through a purging period with this? just curious :)

    Wish me luck!! I'll check back in tomorrow and let you know how it went lol :) :)

  9. Yes! Tell us how it went!

  10. Do you do this every nite ?

  11. Does this remove all your make-up or do you wash that off first with something else? I am having the same experience with breakouts as an adult. Its driving me crazy and nothing I try works for long. Very excited to try this. Thanks!

  12. I just ran across your blog. I was literelly in the bathroom 10 mins ago looking at how broke out my skin is! And I'm going to be 30 in a couple weeks :( Thanks so much!

  13. OK, have been using it nightly for a week now. I LOVE how it takes off my mineral makeup - I use loreal mineral loose powder.

    I'm using about 30% castor and 70%grapeseed. My skin has NEVER been so moisturezed - I usually have flakies everywhere in the winter (around my nose, some cheek areas etc.) I'm still waiting for my skin to clear up though, but it's close to 'that time of the month' for me and I always suffer then. So I will be back in 2 weeks. I really want to give this a good try. ProActiv and SkinId only leave my skin dry and not moisturized. Sure it's clean but it's so dry I break out so it's a nasty cycle.

    I've been doing a lot of reading on this method and I hope my skin will respond well :)

    Thank you for sharing - I would have NEVER found this without you! :)

  14. Thank you for your post. I am ready to try it. I have to finish picking up the oils today after work. I read info on this just yesterday. I read to mix castor oil, hazlenut oil and grapeseed oil with a drop or two of joboba oil and tea tree oil. Do u think this is too many different oils? The site also said to use the grapeseed oil as the moisturizer. Also to use the OCM as a morning and night regimen. I have oily skin. Is it okay to use it am and pm? If not, what should I use in between the OCM? THANKS SO MUCH!!!

  15. Thank you for your post. I am ready to try it. I have to finish picking up the oils today after work. I read info on this just yesterday. I read to mix castor oil, hazlenut oil and grapeseed oil with a drop or two of joboba oil and tea tree oil. Do u think this is too many different oils? The site also said to use the grapeseed oil as the moisturizer. Also to use the OCM as a morning and night regimen. I have oily skin. Is it okay to use it am and pm? If not, what should I use in between the OCM? THANKS SO MUCH!!!

  16. I know this post is old but I was just stalking through your blog and found this. I recently just started using coconut oil. It's amazing as well! You just apply it to your face ad let it soak in. That's it. We just moved from one state to another and when we did we moved from humid to VERY dry. My face has been going crazy. Way itchy and dry. But once I started putting the coconut oil on 4 or 5 times a week my face is WONDERFUL! I also mix it with cornstarch and baking soda and use and deodorant. BEST deodorant EVER!
