
Puppy Dog Tails or Super heros

My son turned 5 this summer. He's in love with super hero's (as much of a cliche' as that is)

So he started out the day with Hulk syrup...
His super hero guests arrived at 1 to the super hero headquarters!
Who needs helium when you have tape?
Captain America cupcakes...
homemade spiderman head pinata~
I realize that it looks homemade and kinda funny...But in all reality it ended up being more along the lines of THIS commercial, and would recommend trying THIS tutorial if you see a pinate' in your near future.

But what was more funny that the pinata was when
DH got hit in the 'tenders' during the pinate batting practice.
(ignore garage interior)

The FIRST Infinity Crystal to the treasure hunt was found in the pinata!
(You have to be a true super hero squad fan to know what an infinity crystal is)

Obstacle Course preparation center:
After we found all the Crystals, they each took them safely and swiftly through the obstacle course and into the treasure box to keep them away from DR.DOOM!

DR. DOOM showed up to steal the crystals!
(My husband is a GREAT sport)
luckily we had these bad boys:
I TOTALLY remember playing with grenade water balloons when I was little!

The destruction of DR. DOOM was even more successful with our
silly string/ spider webs

The spider web in the eye is what REALLY took him down!

We celebrated with Captain America cupcakes, and Hulk JUICE!

You cant have a Super Hero party with out a
red telephone booth to change identities in!
I should mention when they first arrived to the party, they entered the front door here:
We had a photo shoot to top off the day!


Superman (the classic for the booth):

Transformer Hero:

Dash (literally):



And the birthday boy!

I know I know...the wig creeps me out too!
My son told me at the end of the day "That was the BEST party ever Mom." And if that doesn't get the "Jedi Mom powers" flowing, I dont know WHAT does.
Hope you're enjoying BACK TO SCHOOL time!


  1. Holy cow Bat-Mom! That was awesome! So many cool details that I have no idea about, but the telephone booth was certainly the cherry on top!

  2. super heroes and super mom.

  3. What a fantastic party!

  4. Did you make the telephone sign or buy it? Thank you!
