
Spice Up Your Life...

An old dinner table was full of knicks and chips from my kids bangin their silverwear (and anything else they could get their hands on) all over it!
It was a free table by all means...but still...we needed a turn around.
I left the legs black, but distressed them...and took a beautiful dark Red to coat the top. And distressed the edges as well.

Meet Wolverine...our Betta Fish...

My 3 year old named him...proudly. Now I just need to make a fun table runner!

P.S. Dont forget to finish off the table with a good coat of some Varnish! (I'm sure a table needs cleaned and wiped down often eh?)

Thanks for visiting! How are you spicing up YOUR life these days?


  1. That's so cool! One day, I'll will be able to do this to my dinner table, but for now, I'm leaving it with nicks, dents, and gouges. I need to wait for my youngest to be old enough to quit gnawing on the darn thing! Haha!

  2. LOVE it!!! I really like the distressed look!

  3. I just found you, and I'm so glad I did! Great blog!

  4. Love the red. Be blessed. cindy

  5. How fun! I need a red table.

  6. Great idea! Love the red.

  7. I only discovered you recently but love your blog! Thank you for all of the great ideas, tips and pics. I adore this table makeover and/but have a question: What paint do you use that is table safe? Meaning: what paint will endure lots of washing and is safe (non-toxic) enough to drop food on it and then pick it up and eat it? :) Confusing? I hope not. Let me know if you get a minute... and I just might love you forever. (wink) Thank you!!

  8. I've been spicin' up my hair using your Hollywood Wave suggestion! I get TONS of compliments! THANKS!

  9. I gave you the Sunshine Award on my blog today - thanks so much for inspiring me!

  10. Lindsay Liz Higgins... This looks great. Was this the table from Frank? Could he be any cooler? He has hooked all of us up with free furniture! Is this betta fish psycho like your last one?

  11. So pretty! I love the red top! It looks awesome!


  12. Looks spicey and fun...like you! Nicely done girl.

  13. Can't wait to see the table runner. My dinning room table is similar in color, so I can't wait to see what you come up with!

    I am trying to find a way to lighten mine up!

  14. I love the red top! It looks awesome!
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