On April 30th 2009, she was diagnosed with a very rare, very aggressive form of cancer called MRT (Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor). There are only about 15 cases of MRT in the US per year, with a 20% success rate. Tegan has been so brave and is fighting as hard as she can to get through this.
Tegan was a miracle baby for the Salce family, we're hoping for a miraculous recovery, and we'd like to make a miracle for Tegan by raising funds and creating awareness and asking for your prayers in her behalf. Thank you so much for supporting the Salce family in their time of need.Tegan's Addresses are:
4952 Sunflower Ave
Chubbuck, ID 83202

Craft for a CauseSaturday, November 7th in Pocatello, ID from 10-2Come enjoy a day out, do some Christmas shopping, or shop for yourself! Lots of fun stuff to choose from and lots of hand-made items!!! Please contact JENN if you or your business would like to participate!
miraclefortegan{at}gmail{dot}com or call Jenn at 208-968-1705
If you want to have a booth to sell your items at the craft fair (only 10% of your proceeds are asked for Tegan's cause) contact JENN for more details! ($25 for a 6x6 booth or $35 for a 10x10)
If you cant be there, then PLEASE donate a craft for the auction!
It doesn't take much to send a craft!
The Salce family is living in an apartment in Salt Lake while she goes through treatments. Eric (Tegan's daddy) travels back and forth for work. So by donating money or a gas card is so much appreciated!

Tegan isn't someone I heard through hearsay. She has a very special place in my heart. My brother Kyle is seen above holding Tegan, and then his wife Shelby is holding her in the second picture. Tegan is Shelby's neice. Tegan's mom Ang, (Shelby's sister) is in the second picture as well.
Tegan sure holds her own when my (HUGE 3 yr old son) and her have had some playing time. She's a sassy diva here to show the world what she's made of! Her smile is more than contagious and heart warming!
Here she is with her cousins!

I don't think any of us realize the reality and depth to Tegan's situation. The type of cancer she has is so rare and so aggressive. She is on the highest dose of Chemo and on track for the highest dose of radiation that they can do. After speaking with the doctors, the family has been told the tumor is attached in such a way that they need a specialist to remove it. There are only about 5 of these specialists in the US. They will need to get on a plane as soon as they are told and fly to Alabama. Just the airline costs could exhaust the funds that have been raised so far and the surgery costs are unreal. Please, please pray for this family pray for Tegan, pray for their emotional well-being. I feel like we've done so much and we are still so helpless. God does perform miracles. I believe that with all my heart, but I also believe we are his instruments. Thank you for all of your support, thank you for your prayers. I just really wanted you all to know the severity and reality of this situation. Please add links to your blogs for our websites, please send emails to your friends, family, coworkers, etc to raise awareness of this sweet little girl. The response we've had so far has been phenomenal, but there's always something more we can do. Please help us make our miracle and let God do the rest. Pray. Pray hard. Thank you for your support. PS, if anyone has connections in Alabama, we could really use some help, or connections with the airlines, please email me at miraclefortegan@gmail.com
Thank you so much for this wonderful post! You are amazing! One little thing...we are charging $25 for a 6x6 booth or $35 for a 10x10. for the craft fair or they can send items to me and we'll sell them for 100% of proceeds for Tegan. thanks, you're great!
linds will you be doing a booth? i'll do some cards and paper crafts if you'd like to combine. maybe some photo prints.
May God Bless Tegan and all of those surrounding her. Amen
I might have missed these details, but where is the craft sale? and if we want to donate do we send it to you or someone else? thanks.
What a sweet little girl. Thank you for posting about this.
Teegan is adorable, Thanks for posting this, it made me cry.
Where is the craft fair?? I know its in poky, but where??
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