the NEW bangles:
Ugly?...I know right!?
We love Ugly.
What would I do without
Velcro, Mod Podge, or a Glue Gun? scary...

Cut your belts the appropriate size for your wrist. I cut mine a bit bigger because I love how it feels and fits when it overlaps quite a bit. Place you sticky velcro dots where your heart desires!
The velcro dots aren't as sticky as I would LOVE, so I added nail glue. (You can use another strong glue to place the DOTS).

If a belts might have a tendancy to FRAY, place polish on it!

Very happy with my new bracelets!

I made 13 with my 4 belts. I might just have to give some away.
i'm all about being on the receiving end of your "ugly" belt-bracelet giveaway:) !! so fun!
you may most definitely give away one of your belt-bracelets to me! :D
this is great since post baby my old belts are too small! although I also wouldn't mind the ones you've made! Working on sweater hats for a christmas present at work!
Very cool.
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