The next little while I'm going to be doing a few crafts from the garage collection. I have some unfinished projects that sit in the garage and dont get any attention. Well, I'm ready! So lets start off with this beauty! She was found alone and betrayed at the D.I. where I hurriedly snatched her up for $3 and brought her to a comfortable home. (a garage)

(The drawers are fake...but make great for detail!) I took off the handle knobs, and gave her a quick no-look spray of IVORY spray paint only on the edges and other areas I knew I would sand down later. (you'll see). Then I gave her a full on (couple coats) spray of ITALIAN OLIVE spray paint. She sighed in relief as her new glossy coat shone in the sun.
Untill she saw me pull out the sand paper. 

I began to give her an edgy distressed look. (and boy did she get distressed). I wasn't loving what the sanding was doing to her, so I pulled out a MUD KNIFE. Aww, much better...
The IVORY came right through.
She's lovely and I still haven't dusted her off yet.

She's lovely and I still haven't dusted her off yet.

I think it would look adorable in the boy's room. But that's just my opinion.
That is fabulous! It came out perfectly! Love the fishing room!!!
Dining room most definately. Because those fake drawers look as though they can hold napkin rings or stuff.
i vote for little boy's room!
I love all your refinished projects. You truly inspire me to search for that thrift store find and make it my own. I think the shelf would look great in your dining room, holding fun colorful pieces to match your table cloth. PS- Cute table cloth, too!
I vote the little boy's fishing room.
Fishing room for sure!
I would do the fishing room as well.
cute re-dos! love your style!
Javis Davis has really cute "angler's club" fabric!
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