was awarded the

thanks to Dani with:
My 5 nominations for this award in random order, and DEFINITELY award worthy are:
Alexis with:

Lee with:
Thanks again Dani with CRAFT ROOKIE for the nomination! And congrats to the new winners! Wear your award PROUDLY on your blog! (And nominate 5 more winners of coarse!)
I am SO SO honored!! I love your blog. I aspire to your blog!!
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! I'm totally grateful! Have I mentioned how awesome you are!? Well you are and girl.....seriously! I can't keep up with you either! I'm taking your idea from the nifty redo on the stools you did, and I'm going to try it out on an old dresser. What do you think?
You are the sweetest! I am so excited to have my first nomination! Yay! Love to see what you do next!.. keep up the great blogging!
Oh, and PS, thanks for the button! I've just started playing with Photoshop this week, and it's a little confusing to say the least.. so I'm sure it would take me forever to get something like that figured out, I love it!! You're the best!!
Wow! What a nice surprise! Thank you so much. I'm honored! Your blog is adorable. Have a good day...
Thank you SOO much! I love your blog! It's great. I am totally waving my hair tomorrow, with my iron CLOSED! Genius! I'll be following! Thanks again for all your sweet comments. They always give me the biggest smile!
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