I was reading the magazine allYou and ran accroos this article...and since i cant keep plants alive, I thought it would be a great idea to bring the Outdoors In!
I got this chair at a garage sale for $5
Does it scare you? Yeah...me too.
And besides this FLUFF, you wouldn't believe the wood damage from scratches and nicks!
So I took this fab fabric...
To transform the scary chair. This chair has a certain...elegance.
A beautiful shape!
I wish I could give it justice in a pic!
Ahhh would look perfect in my house thank you! :) Where did you get that fabric? I love it!
I am SUCH a PINK ADDICT that I was thinking... that chair would be so girly if it was painted white with some little flowery details to go along with the pink fluff! All of my non-pinkaholic friends would LOVE your redesign though... I just wish I could get a handle on chairs like that!
That is awesome! I love the redos that you do. You have inspired me to take on some projects myself. :) Not sure I can do as good a job, though.
~ AquarianJwl
Scary is right, but I love the redo you did. Sad thing is if I had found it with it's pink fluff seat my granddaughter would have loved it and batter her pretty blues and it would have ended up in her pink room. LOL
Super cute!!! Yeah, that pink fur was a little too Austin Powers for me. Your daughter is a doll! They are so much fun at that age. Great job on the suit, would have never thought of that.
And thank you, but look whos talking - you are gorgeous!!!!
Cute blog! I love that you have a weight loss tracker on the bottom! good luck with that!great ideas here too!
Oh, I love the chair...
I LOVE that chair you made! I hope you don't mind if I feature it!
Ok I've decided that you guys need to move to Boise, or Star actually so you can live close to us and we can be crafting buddies!!!! I LOVE how creative and thrifty you are! :)
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