In remembrance of 9/11. Tell me where you were that Fall morning of the attack. What you remember, and how you found out. America hurt that day. Let God and peace heal those wounds.
1 comment per person please.
My Day: I was getting ready for school. I was a sophmore in High School and it was my sweet 16th birthday. (I had an extra skip in my step). My best friend called me up. "Hey, Happy Birthday Linds. I think you should probably turn on the T.V."
Within seconds of watching T.V. my stomach dropped. It was bad. But I didn't know the full extent.
I got to school and went to my first class. Biology. (I sucked at sciences). Coach "P" taught the class. A man who took our learning very seriously, and never missed a beat. But also a man with the highest respect for our country, and the people that serve. The T.V. was on, and for the first time while students piled into the classroom, it was silent. Everyone took their seats, and not a word was said except maybe a few silent tears as we watched the WTC's fall.
I went home that day and lied on my bed and cried. How can there be that much hate in the world?How can that many people die? And I had watched it. I put a cd in and listen to the song, CHILDREN'S PRAYER. The song seemed to fit that day. A day I'll never forget."Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. "- President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001
I'll never forget the unity of our country. The feeling after that day. And the many flags that waved.
I was riding the bus to my 8:30 class at USU.
Happy Birthday to you! :) Aweosme giveaway, btw!
I had just graduated in that previous May, had a bad wreck in June, and started college and two full-time jobs in August, so all that had caught up with me, and I was actually asleep when the attacks happened.
My sister and aunt were watching tv when our news popped it on the screen about a plan hitting the first tower and how they didnt think it was terrorists, and they came and got me. I stumbled out of bed and went and looked at the tv and then saw the second plan crash. My aunt started bawling and me and my sister just sat ther wondering what the heck just happened.
I watched the news up until I had to go to class, where some where cancelled, then came home to find out exactly what'd happened.
I tell my husband all the time that humanity is lost and he tells me that it's something he knows first hand - he's an Afghanistan and Iraqi war Vet.
Happy Birthday!
I was at home with my 3 younger sisters watching it all on t.v. while frantically calling my parents who just happened to be in the D.C. area that week. It was very scary and my parents had to get a rental car and drive home.
I was working in a grocery store at the time. I remember being at work and being very busy and then all of a sudden the store was completely empty and the phones were ringing off the hook. Our family members and customers were calling to tell us the news. Our boss let us go home and I sat the entire day with my face glued to the tv.
Happy Birthday! We share a BIRTHDAY MONTH!
I wrote my "where were you" post today also.
God Bless!
I was getting ready for work. I am a Police/Fire/EMS/911 Dispatcher. It was just so overwhelming thinking of not only all those innocent people who were lost because they went to work that day but also for all the First Responders who lost their lives trying to save others. True heroes.
Happy Birthday!
My husband and my pregnant self were driving from Oklahoma to Illinois in the UHaul. I have the worst memory, but that day I remember all to well. It was so scary being on the road that day and traveling so far. I remember listening to the radio on the trip and I just could not believe what I was hearing, then seeing it on TV, it was so awful. I just can't imagine. It's so amazing to me, the brave men and women among us that day, and today.
Definitely Heroes.
I was a freshman in high school at the time. I was sitting in my early morning drama class when my teacher received a call on her cell phone. She went into her office and I could see the scared look on her face. Her husband was watching the news and told her about what had happened. At that point only the first tower had been hit. We changed classes and all the tv's were on. I remember coming into my english class and the tv was on and my teacher just said get out your journals and write what you feel. By that time the second tower had been hit. I realized that my dad was in Oklahoma and scheduled to fly home that day and all I could think about was if he was ok. I went home that day and watched the coverage all night and most of the next week until my mom finally had to ask us to turn it off. My dad and my brother are firefighters and this hit us really hard. One of the county firefighters from our area lost a brother in the attacks.
God bless the 343 and God bless everyone who lost their lives that day.
Happy Birthday.
9/11 was definately a day that no american will ever forget. Nor should we. I was in college. My cousin, his wife and their 2 year old daughter were flying out to visit me that day. I was laying on my moms bed watching the news, we saw the plane hit the 2nd tower. I remember being just in total shock. We cried, we tried desperately to get ahold of our family that was traveling. They were fine, as they were flying out of houston. I went to work that day and we all just watched the news all day long. I especially remember how patriotic our country felt for a long time after that.
Happy Birthday! I hope you get to do something fun to celebrate.
I was in my senior year of college, and living with my aunt and uncle. When I went upstairs, I didn't know what had happened, but could feel that something was off. They had left the TV's on, and I saw a little bit on the news about what was happening.
After I got to school, we were in our methods classes for elementary ed, and we were all just kind of sitting there, shell shocked. Our teachers decided to let us just sit and watch everything un-fold on the news instead of having our regular class. We all sat there silently, crying and sniffling.
It was such a sad day for our country, but I was so proud of how everyone came together afterwards. We live in an amazing country!
happy birthday!
my bestfriend and i had just started our freshman year of college. we were still sleeping when her dad called us to tell us the news. it's a day i will never forget...
Happy Birthday!
I was downstairs telling my dad goodbye as I was off to school. It was my freshman year in college, and I headed into Geography with no understanding of what I'd seen on TV as I left the house. As the day unfolded, it was a very emotional time. That week our school was getting out early from parent teacher conferences, and my friends and I had the tv on watching all the names of those still missing. It was such a sad day, and several days after. The most amazing thing was the unity in our country that came because of that one event.
Happy Birthday!
I was in my 3rd year of teaching (High School Math), it was my prep hour and my nextdoor teacher friend came and told me that a plane had just hit the WTC. It took me a minute to sink in what that meant. Lots of teacher had TVs in their rooms to watch it but I did not. I remember the speech I said to my students who didn't want to learn math that day:
"This is just what the Terrorist want, for us to sit around and do nothing and be scared of them! We are not going to let the Terrorist WIN! We are going to learn MATH!"
Pretty inspiring huh?
After I got home from work I watch it all on TV for the rest of the night.
Happy Birthday!!
I was in my senior English class.
Very Tragic =(
I was in High school too and I didn't ever have the tv on while I was getting ready. It happened before I got to school. I first found out when I got to school and noticed all the TVs were on in every class room, which I thought wasn't normal. But then I met up with my friends and they told me what had happened. When we got class we watched for a while. Until some parents complained they didn't want their kids watching it, and so the principle made all the teachers turn off the TVs. I remember all of us being worried of a war draft. Some boys were scared, others were eager to serve. Was definitely a sad sad day.
Hope you have a happy birthday weekend. I heard about it in my weights class that morning :(
I was working for a dentist and we were getting ready to have our daily morning meeting. One of the girls was late and when she walked in she told us what was happening. Everything stopped and we went to a TV that we had in the office. Everyone was glued to the TV. Patients started arriving and were upset and they came in and joined us around the TV. I don't remember if we ever got around to seeing any patients that day. It was such a surreal experience.
Our flag is flying today in remembrance!!
Happy Birthday!
I was getting ready for work. My husband called and told me to turn on the news. I was a little confused, but did it anyway. As I turned on the TV I saw the second plane hit the towers. I stood in awe as the towers crumbled. I went to work, where I had to pretend nothing happened. I worked at a daycare for the McCarren Airport. The kids had no idea what was going on, and most of their parents worked for some airline or another. I will never forget that day or the Heroes that were lost.
Happy Birthday! I'm confused Who is T?
Anyways, I was at BYU-I, my first semester in college and my first time ever being away from my family. My roommates came in and woke me up. They were listening to the radio (we had no TV). I remember being so scared that day, I just wanted to go home. I was afraid that we were going to get bombed..but then I remembered I was Rexburg..lol. The whole day seemed like a standstill..like it was going in slow motion. Everyone was in shock. It still makes me sad to think about it.
I worked late shifts that year and so I didn't hear about it until I woke up later in the morning. I hope we never have to wake up to new like that ever again.
I remember most listening to a news broadcast later that evening about a CEO of a small group that worked on one of the upper floors of the WTC. He was on a conference call with all of his employees when the plane hit. He was on his cell phone conferencing in because his son had asked him to drive him to school that morning. I remember him saying that he lost all of his NYC employees that day, and the only reason he was living was because he took the time to be with his son. If he had told his son that morning, sorry I have an important meeting this morning maybe tomorrow, he would have been in the towers and there would have not been a tomorrow.
Take time, we all live in just moments.
Always remember, and God Bless.
Happy Birthday! I was at work that day...my boss came in and I told him what happened...he didn't believe me. We went out and bought TV's so the people could watch what was happening to our country. We will never forget...God Bless America!
Happy bday Z-
We lived in Mesquite in our basement home. I had a voice student tell me what was happening. From then on I was glued to the news.
It was your sweet 16 I remember.
Happy Happy Birthday!!!
I was at school-going from my first to second period classes. My teacher was watching it and I had no idea what was happening. I kept asking her what was going on and then she just started yelling at me to be quiet. Someone else told me...We all watched the second plane hit the building. Such a sad day!
Happy birthday Linds!!!!
My memory of that day begins with me getting ready for school. My little brother burst into my room and told me that an airplane had just hit the world trade center. I actually thought he was kidding as I walked down our stairs. When i reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw the second airplane crash into the tower. At that moment, time stood still. All I could think was... what is happening, and what is going to happen now. I then picked you up for school and we rode to school, both upset and afraid.
School that morning was different than any other day. The hallways were empty, filled with silence. the only sound was the synchronized echo of all the tv's in the school tuned to the same news station. i will never forget the respect that every student was showing on that day. It mimicked the concern and unity of the country at that time. I also remember Coach P's class. his love for our country and respect for the heroes that had kept it safe and that were arising that morning was evident. I received much needed comfort from that class. My english teacher then did something that i am ever grateful for. He told us to use the class period to write down our thoughts, fears, concerns, feelings, etc. He said "today was a day that we would never forget and that our children would ask us about". Im so glad he made us do that. I often look back to those few pages and I am reminded or our coutry's loss that day, the brave heroes that stood forth, and the unity our country shared. So many tears were shed that day and in the days that followed. So many lives were lost but i also remember how our country, usually torn and divided with anger, stood together as one, even for what seems to be a small moment. On the news it showed heroes, everyday heroes, civilians off the street, neighboors friends, strangers, all helping, trying to save as many lives as they could. That is a powerful memory that will touch my life forever. That day will not be forgotten. It reminds us of what is important. Helping one another, reaching out, family, and our Savior. God bless america.
First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY its my Bro-in-laws as well! I hope you do something fun for it! I remember that day very well too! I was a senior in Highschool getting ready and watching tv my stomach dropped.... I do remember also that all the tvs were on in ever class room.... everyone was there that day too... noone seemed to sluff... all we did was watch everything... Its crazy to me that is 8 years ago! Anyways have a good day! and its a great give away by the way!!!!
Happy Birthday Linds!
I was suffering with morning sickness with Morgan. I was laying in front of the TV watching the Today Show trying to get ready for work. I was shocked at what I was seeing. I couldn't believe I watched the twin towers fall to the ground. I couldn't believe I was seeing what I was seeing. I was at least an hour late for work because I couldn't stop watching. I will always remember.
I was at high school in first perior, my senior year. I walked in and sat down. We were waiting for class to start and another student walked in and announced that a plane hit a building in NY. We turned on the news and watched it for class. It was all so confusing to me. I had never even heard of the twin towers before.
I was in 9th grade. I was riding the bus to school with my older sister and I remember something coming on the radio about a plane wreck, but it was hard to hear with everyone talking, and at that point, I don't think anyone knew too much about what was going on.
By the time I got to first period (art class) my teacher had the TV on and I remember we spent the whole period just staring at the live footage....
I remember thinking it was really scary, but I think I was still too young to really grasp the significance of what was going on. (I was 13 is all...)
one of my friend's bdays is today as well.
I remember this day so well... I posted about it on my blog today too.
I was in high school, getting in the car with a friend to drive to school she told me about some plane that crashed into some buildling. I thought it was crazy but as we got to school, we began to find out more and then it was scary and crazy. The shock started to set in and most of the teachers tried to have us focus on something else, but one of my teachers turned on the tv and the whole class sat and watched silently. It was so scary.
I was asleep in bed, when my sister came running in to wake me up.
Happy birthday. :)
I was in my history class in 7th grade. My teacher was bawling... the tv was on and like you, everyone just quietly came into class. I don't think i realized what had happened until later that night, after watching it on the news multiple times.
I went to bed and was listening to the radio to put me to sleep but they played a song with the sad voices of people on top of it. it was so sad to me i came down stairs crying to my mom, she just held me while I cried..
Happy Birthday!
I was working at Old Navy. My manager's husband called us to say what was going on. I ran home on my lunch break to watch everything on tv. I couldn't believe it was happening!
great giveaway! I was in the kitchen
doing the dishes, listening to the radio and they came on the radio saying that the twin towers had just fallen! I had to sit down on a stool just to listen to the rest! I remember feeling so foolish because the night before I was having a pity party for myself over something that was so insignificant ! and here were so many families that would never see their loved ones again. Kinda puts life into perspective!
Happy birthday! I just found your blog a couple days ago and I'm loving it!
I was in the 9th grade on the way to school. My dad was driving me and kept hushing me as he listened to the radio. He wouldn't even explain. I was so confused because I had no idea what the twin towers were. Then I got to school and it was eerie quiet. I went to my first class where the tv was on and saw what had happened. I was in shock- we all were.
I pray for all those who were hurt in any way from that day.
I remember turning on the tv that morning as I was getting dressed, and I was shocked, glued to the mess that was unfolding! I still get that same feeling every time I see pictures of it!
i was lucky to be giving a presentation early that morning which forced my commute up 30 minutes...otherwise, I would have been on a PATH train under the towers. thank goodness for early morning research presentations.
Woke up wondering why the people on the radio (our alarm) were talking so serious instead of their normal banter. We then realized that they were talking to one of their friends in NYC...and something horrible had happened. Turned on the tv...sat there, cried while doing my girls' hair. Was shocked when I saw the 2nd plane. When the pentagon was hit, it was just a "what's going on to my country" feeling. Here is my post for today: http://conniesramblings.blogspot.com/2009/09/sacred-flashback-friday_11.html
I was at school that morning, I remember being in history class and my teacher turned on the news and we sat in silence and watched the horror happening across the country. It was so crazy to realize what was happening, I remember feeling so sad!! I'll never forget it!
I was a sophomore at BYU, and was still in bed when my roommate called and told me to turn on the tv. I was horrified and terrified at the same time.
I was on my way to work and was listening to the radio. I was listening to Mark and Brian and they are known for joking around and such. Well I didn't get it at first. They were commenting on what was going on and after about a couple minutes I wasn't so sure they were joking. I called my husband and told him to turn on the TV to see if it was actually true.
He turned it on and told me that it was true and that he was watching footage of one of the planes crashing into the towers. I told him to record what was happening so that I could see what was going on later. I wanted to remember this moment that would change the country's lives forever.
For the whole day at work we were not able to watch it on TV. We just listened a little bit here and there. When I finally got home the whole situation hit me like a ton of bricks. It is one things to hear what is going on. It is a whole other thing when you see what has been happening.
What a terrible thing for anyone to go through.
Happy Birthday. Enjoy your weekend.
tierralowry at yahoo.com
My husband was THERE. He was serving his LDS mission in the New York, New York South, Spanish speaking mission, and was standing in Brooklyn, which is right across the water from the lower tip of Manhattan, aka, front row seat to the towers falling. It's crazy the stories he has personally from all of the people he knew there, and their family members that were affected. Sad day.. On a lighter note.. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Lindsay...I hope you have a fabulous day!!!
I love that watch!
8 years ago,I actually had recently graduated from BYU nursing school and was at home in NY deciding which nursing job to take. I accepted a job at an ER in downtown DC later that day...i was ready for action!
Heppy birthday, you share w/ my bro-in-law. I remember I was at home and my Grandma had already heard what happened. She called us and we listened to the radio before we found it on TV. I just remember how solemn and sad everyone was and that, as High schoolers we were all scared and unsure of the future.
Happy Birthday!
8 years ago today I was in the 7th grade in middle school. I remember making a poptart when my mom turned on the tv. I know it sounds stupid but I didn't even really know WHAT the world trade center was. I knew the attack was a disaster, however I had no idea what was going on, so it had to be explained to me before I knew truly how devistating it was.
Happy Birthday to you!
I was in bed with my sweet husband and son (age 2 at the time). We had just found out the day before we were expecting our second child. Watching it made me wonder why in the world I would bring children into this world. Good thing time heals wounds and I realize that it is my kids that make this world worth living in.
I was at the gym on the treadmill and couldn't believe what I was watching was real. Went home where my mom was frantic, my grandad had worked on the side of the Pentagon that was crashed into. It was a very strange and horrid feeling watching all this unfold in front of you.
Happy Birthday :) Mine was last Saturday!
I remember Sept. 11th 2001 very well. I was sitting in first period (Choir) and we were all just sitting around waiting for the bell to ring. The TV was always turned onto CNN before the bell rings so noone really thought much of it until we heard what was being said. We were watching the report about the first plane hitting when they saw what looked like a second plane coming. We were all confused just as the reporters were wondering how two accidents to this degree could happen. We saw the second plane hit live. What a tragic loss. Lets always remember what happened so those lived will not be lost in vain.
I was driving and listening to the radio when the first plane hit. I was on my ay to my mom's house with my then 9 1/2 month old. I remember how insane everything was. It seems like yesterday when it all happened, but can't believe how times flies when my baby "then" is now 8 yrs. old!
Ps. Happy Birthday and I LOVE your blog! You are truly inspiring!!
It was my freshman year of college and I was parked outside of an elementary school getting ready to go in for my very FIRST teaching field experience EVER and I heard on the radio that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. By the time I got into the school the second plane hit, and when I got to the classroom another plane had gone down. The teacher I was to work with was on the phone with her husband who was a member of the SWAT team and was being sent to New York. There are no words to describe the looks on the faces of the parents who came to take their children home and the eyes of the students who couldn't make sense of what had happened. We all walked around like we were empty inside that day... it was like everything got sucked out of us and we didn't know how to make sense of what happened to ourselves or the children. Every school was on lockdown and you had to show an ID to get in or out. As soon as my time there was over I rushed to spend time with my 4 month old goddaughter because I didn't know what would happen next. I pray every day that the children I now teach will be safe and happy and never have to experience something like that ever again.
I was teaching first grade in NJ just 25 miles from NYC. I remember the sky that day as I drove to work. It was so clear and sunny. It was an unbelievably beautiful day. My secretary called me out in the hall to tell me the news. We went on lockdown. The decision was made that nobody would talk about it. The parents had the right to tell their children with the aid of their religious views. SO for about 5 hours I prayed to myself and tried to do only fun things. I knew the kids would loose some of their innocence that day and I wanted them to have a "Sesame Street" kind of day. Play-doh and singing.
The neat thing for me was that the next day an old friend contacted me to see how I was doing and how I was going to explain this to six year olds. Long story short we ended up getting married.
As horrible as it was, the people of NY and surrounding tri state area all banded together. There was an unbelievable feeling of community. So many heros were made. In the midst of tragedy people really showed the best of their potential.
I was in 7th grade when it happened, excited about a boys birthday that i used to like (also on sept 11th) my feelings quickly turned to others and my feelings of gratiude for my freedom, my family and my life.
I was just waking up and that was when I was still in high school, I remember my dad saying O-my gosh... Omy gosh over and over.
I remember sitting on my bed with my brand new, 2 weeks old, first born baby girl, thinking of my husband, who was, and still is, a fire fighter.
I felt scared for my daughters future, I felt terrified of loosing my husband someday to something so tragic. But in the days that followed, the unity this country felt, the togetherness we all celebrated. The lives lost and rememered. I will never forget that day!
I was at home playing with my 2.5 year old, we had just taken his older brother to school. No tv or anything was on. We were playing with blocks, puzzles, etc.. I was upset with my husband over a petty argument that morning before he left for work.
My husband called me and said turn on the tv. I did and was immediately in tears. We lived on a military base and all of a sudden their were tanks driving around with live weapons on the top. My husband was on lock down mode at his work. We didn't leave the base for two weeks.
I cried for days.
I had just wreslted a stray cat into a carrier and dropped him at the vet for a checkup. I was driving to work and listening to everything happen- in shock. I went in and asked everyone to turn on the radio- or get on a computer not knowing what we'd hear, but needing someone else to help me figure it all out.
Happy bday- generous of you to share with us, and offer respect for everyone we lost on that day at the same time.
I was recovering from surgery and was woken by my mother (who was taking care of me after my surgery) screaming that the Pentagon had been hit. My dad was at work - in the Pentagon. We sat in my bed with the phone in hand waiting to hear anything from him or about him and watching the coverage. We finally heard from him late that evening saying that he was ok. It was one of the most terrifying and horrible days of my life. So thankful that he made it through, but devastated for all of the people that didn't and the families they left behind.
I was 8 mos. pregnant with my first child (son) and I woke up that morning big and pregnant and slowly started my day. I got a cup of ice cream (duh') and turned on the TV, I was flipping through channels but every channel was the same: a Tall Tower smoking and news anchors speaking. I finally stay tuned to realize a horrible fate... the world was under attack. I sat there holding my pregnant belly crying and horribly afraid to welcome my new born child into the world exactly one month and one day from the horrible attack. Preston was born Oct. 12, 2001... GOD bless all! ENTER ME PLEASE!
I was a senior in High School and as I got out of my car that morning a good friend told me. I was in shock and in even more when I went into my first class and saw it on tv. We watched as the second tower was hit. The tvs were left on all day and I still remember images we saw and the quiet converstaion that took place around me.
Happy birthday. Thanks for the giveaway and also the reminder of that day.
It was my first semester at the U of U. I woke that morning and got ready. My brother and I carpooled and sat in silent horror as we listened to the extent of the damage on the radio. I walked through the union building (usually loud and crazy in the a.m. while people are studying, getting coffee, breakfast, etc.) and the union was completely silent. You could have heard a pin drop. Everyone was just silently crying and watching in agony the tv as the twin towers fell. I remember thinking how surreal it all felt and that it would all be ok if I could just wake up. 3 out of 4 of my classes that day were cancelled. I went to work after (at a call center) and did not have a single call that after noon. I will NEVER forget those tears and the horrified feeling of helplessness I felt that day and the grief I felt for the families of all that lost their lives.
Happy birthday to you... I hope you have a great day.
Happy Birthday. You are the same age as my youngest sister who was celebrating her sweet 16 that day too.
It was about 2 weeks before I was to have my first baby and I was in a rush to get to work due to me moving so slowly those days. So I didn't find out what was happening until I got in my car and started to listed to the radio. I was so confusing as to what was going on at first but as time went by things just kept getting sadder and sadder. I will always remember that day.
My husband and I were fast a sleep until my husbands mother called to tell us to turn on the T.V. We both had College classes later that day, but most of all our classes were spent talking and watching the happenings of the day.
I have never wrote on your blog before, However I think that it is really important to talk about this subject so that we never forget. Which I think alot of people do. I was at school for early morning choir practice and it got canceled. So my friends and I went to his dad's room to hang out and talk till school started. Then his dad came running in a look terrified. He ran over to the TV and just started saying, "Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh." We had no clue what was going on. I got scared and started to get really upset. Then the second plane hit. My stomach dropped and I knew that there was many peoples lives that had been lost. Then when they dropped, it felt as though my life would never be the same.
Just be grateful for ever day that you live!
Lets see I was a Jr. in High School sitting in History, when my best friend realized she grabbed her mom's cell phone by mistake. She got a call informing her that her brother(a Marine) was being sent to Iraq in the next 12 hours. We really had no idea what was going on and then the principal came on the intercom, he had been crying...his daughter was supposed to be at the towers that morning, she wasn't thank goodness. We sat stunned and turned on the TV, that was consisted of nothing but watching TV, and having counselors come in and out of the school. What a day. Sorry your sweet 16 was on such a day that changed the mind set of the generation today. But Happy Birthday
My sister was here visiting from Kentucky, there are 5 sisters and we try to get together every year for a long weekend and go somewhere just the sister, she was getting ready to leave to fly back to Kentucky, we got up early made coffee and turned on the T.V., I was so stunned to see the plane fly into the second tower, it was very scary. My sister called the airport and they said all flights were cancelled for at least a week, when she finally got a flight out and we could not walk her to her gate, she was petrified to get on that plane, We prayed for her and all the people that day.
I was also a sophomore in high school... I was in the cafeteria getting a coke from the vending machine. A boy from my class walked in the school and he said, "a plane crashed into the world trade center." At that time I had no idea even what that was. We watched the news in every single class that day... awestruck by what happened. Still praying for those families! I know it's still hard for them.
I was getting my baby dressed for the day when my husband called, so i turned on the news to watch with him via throught the cell phone! also this is my parents anniversery, this year they have been married for 38 years with 7 kids and 21 gradkids! A bitter, sweet day for us!
Happy birthday girl!
I had been at work for about 30 minutes when I heard from another co-worker what was happening. I tuned my radio into a station that was broadcasting live what was currently going on. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I listened to the radio my whole shift. I was eager to get home and see what I had been hearing all day. When I turned on the TV I was sick. I will never forget.
I was a senior in high school, in my AP Chemistry class. My whole school stopped to watch everything happen on tv. I was devestated. I think the rest of the day my whole school was silent. We had a volleyball game that night. Everyone knew that what was happening there and now with us wasn't important and that so many people were affected by the events of that day. I will never forget.
Linds, Happy Birthday (a couple days ago:) I was walking to my early morning Anat and Phys class at Ricks (funny we both had science that morning) When I got there, my teacher said class was canceled and to go home and watch tv. I was shocked. Later that day, I watched President Hinkley address everything at a devotional. I remember singing come come ye saints for the opening hymn and balling my eyes out. I also remember calling you and wishing you a happy 16th:)
I had just started grad school. I remember getting my son up and dressed when my dad called and said to turn on the TV. At that time only one of the planes had hit. I just held my son and watched in silence. A few minutes later a classmate called to let me know that class was canceled and the extension campus had gone on lockdown. Later that evening I learned it was because Pres. Bush had landed at our air base.
I was asleep after working late the night before. My friend called me and told me to turn the tv on, I felt like I couldnt breathe, I couldnt talk, I just sat there, with my mouth open. I think I watched it ALL day. I just couldnt believe what I was seeing. I remember sitting there crying, knowing that there were innocent people in the buildings and on the planes. How can another human being be so evil?
And we must teach our children. This is one of those moments like our parents talk about: they remember where they were when Kennedy was shot.
My blog has been growing so rapidly that I haven't had time to get over for visits, but I was missing all my blog friends and wanted to take some time to come over and see what everyone was creating and say Hi and invite you over for a visit as well.
Its So Very Cheri
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I hope you had a good one!!!
I was at home sick and 8 months pregnant with my now almost 8 year old (9/15 is her bday!) I was sleeping when my husband came in and woke me up and told me to come watch television.
I was a sophomore in High School and I was in my room listing to the radio while I got ready.
Awww girl I'm so sorry that you have to share your birthday with the anniversary of that awful day. So so sorry. I hope that it was a good day for you regardless.
I was driving to work with a good friend. We lived in Ogden and drove to 106th south everyday. Usually we talked about thousands of things- but that day we were silent as we listened on the radio. No one worked that day- we sat and watched TV and couldnt believe what was happening. I will never forget how still the air was that day and for days after. Remember? Planes were not allowed to fly for a while. It was so quiet in the air-- it was eery. I'll never forget that day.
Love your blog. Thanks.
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