Okay... you guys are WAY WAY OFF! I'm not making Magnets! Although...hmm, maybe I'll make a couple cuz it sounds fun for sure! I'm guessing the cookie sheet they were sitting on made it look like they were magnetic...well...they're not. :)
So here's what we're going to do...Keep guessing!
Those who guess right, if any of you do, will get thier name in a drawing to win one!
(Even though you dont know what I'm making...you'll regret NOT guessing! You'll WANT ONE REAL BAD!).

plus cute images...

(not necklace pendants)
i'm gonna guess, charm bracelet...but if that's not the answer, would you still make a charm bracelet for me? I especially like the paris motif. :)
A bracelet similar to this one: http://www.stjudeshop.com/resources/StJudeShop/images/products/processed/999762.zoom.a.jpg?!?!?
I was going to guess charm bracelet too. I swear I was.
Judging by the mass quantity and some matches...
either a game of match or your own personal Mahjohg (sp) game??
I am guessing a charm braclette too... or wall art or a puzzle.
You are going to glue them into a tray or on top of a counter!
Tiles for a table.
Ooooh I love the idea posted earlier about the personal Mahjong set but I think you are making Christmas ornaments!
Maybe an advent calender?
use them for a watch band. I have been wanting to do that. :)
I'm going to guess wine glass charms
I was thinking a Mahjong game but they could also be used for earings, or to dress up a picture frame. I love the watch band idea.
alright, i'm guessing bracelettes too. partly cause i want one!
I would make a bracelet with them so that's my guess too.
Dang I was going to guess bracelet too. Man, maybe its coasters?
Are they going to be rings?
I'm guessing a necklace.
I'm going to guess a Matching Game. I know others said it, but it was the only thing I could think of too!
I am also going to guess top of a table. It would be the first i've seen and super cuegly!
It looks like maybe they are some type of mosaic tile or something...maybe arranged on something...they sure a cute! cant wait to see the end result!
I'm guessing a calendar?! Could be super cute! I'm sure it will be no matter what you make! I can't wait to see.....
To put on top of a coffee table maybe?
Ooooh I don't even know what it is but after seeing the stuff you've made in the past, I KNOW I want one! :) Hmmm..I'm thinking either a bracelet or some sort of advent calendar...?
You've been AWARDED!
small puzzles for kids? take the scrabble tiles and align them up so you can use one stamp on about 6 of them--making small--to go puzzles for kids?
A mosaic? Like for a picture frame or mirror frame?
I'm thinking mosaic for a table top or something similar. Possibly ear rings or watch.
Coasters for glasses or cups?
Hi, I made pins out of them or maybe a key chain? I can't wait to find out! Love your blog, stop over and see me soon!
You're wallpapering right? LOL!
I was going with charm braclet or made into coasters somehow
That's a tonnnnnn! I can't wait to see them, I know whatever it may be ( hmmmm ) it will be super cute!
A memory matching game?
a mosaic table of some sort?
Maybe HAIR-ties/bows/accessories
Since I remember your awesome plans for a REAL Bella bracelet... I'm thinking (unfortunately not the first to think this) that it is one of the bracelets similar to the one Bella wore in the first movie with the religious figures on it.
Making a frame with them???
I'm guessing bracelet of perhaps a backsplash. Cuz they wouldlook cute in my kitchen!
I think you might be planning to make a picture frame with specific names, or grnadma, grandpa etc. Or...possibly place cards for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see!
I am going with a countdown calendar. I know that is not the official name, but I can't think of it now, so you get "countdown" instead.
kristidorman at gmail dot com
Some sort of purse or bag?
Well, I am going with the braclets! I love all these other ideas though.
I'm thinking bracelet as well. I'm not sure what they are for, but I know that I want them. I might have to check out the DI for an old scrabble game...
I am guessing that you are making a cute and chic memory game!
Rings?? Earings??
Whatever they are, they are sure cute!
i will geuss a a mosaic that will be glued onto a picture frame.
now i want to make that...
i can't wait to see what your making!
Hmmm, I looked at all the other comments and everything I had guessed was already on there! Phooey...could it be earrings?
I am super curious, I am making a magnetic calendar with them right now, and teaching a class on how to make the necklaces tomorrow...I have thought about charm bracelets-but seriously girl you have a TON of them! I can't wait to find out whatcha do!
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