Use a powder, sun powder, blush or even eye shadow (whatever comes closest color-wise). It should be a little darker than the powder you usually use, about 2 or 3 shades darker, (I add matte-finish bronzer to a little bit of my natural powder) and apply it to the sides of your nose. This will make your nose look thinner. To make you nose look even thinner, apply a color a few shades lighter to the tip of your nose. (I DO BOTH! EVERY DAY!)
I was endowded with a WONDERFUL nose. One that I would NEVER change no matter how much money I had in the world. It's ME, and I love it WAY too much. It's not only ME, but it connects me to my family. My dad in particular. And that's worth loving.
Here's me (& my nose) in 1987.
I CANNOT believe how much you look like Cyrie in this picture! I've been blessed with that good ol' family nose as well...
Thanks for sharing the beauty tip! I'll definitely be trying this!
You were a precious baby :)
Have a great day,
You know, I admit to laziness about doing this day to day, but waht a helpful tip for imporatant photo days!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
i am definitely a stubby nosed individual.
I've used this in the past with great success but I don't do it everyday. I should. My nose seems to be getting larger with age. Does that happen???
It's true that your ears and nose never stop growing...Scary...I know.
I used to have this book! And the nose thing, I've tried it once and ended up looking like I was in a bar fight. I could not get it to look right. lol
You could try nose right tool. It's basically work make your nose more slimmer.i have also using that tool from 1month result really awesome now my nose look smaller permanently.
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