Do you have something you decorate with that is
your signature?

Mine is books with gold leaf writing on the binding.

I got them at the Salvation Army for a quarter a piece.

They are all over my house to add a rustic classy look.
They add height and fun. I get compliments on then all the time!

I often get asked if I've read them (by men mostly)-
The answer is "No", but aren't they a great decoration? :P
What are YOUR decorating signatures???
Oh my, I love how you have your books displayed. A quarter a piece was a steal. I really don't think I have a signature style unless clutter counts.
My signature style would probably be minamilism. The less things my allergic self has to dust, the better. Although I do like accenting with vases filled with something, be it candy, beads, or gourmet coffee samples.
Wine bottles! I've decorated my house with a vintage wine style. You can make any room classy with a bottle {or more} of wine :)
I STILL CAN NOT believe you got these for a QUARTER!!! Do they sell these often? Because I bought some old books at a STORE (one was $13) And I'm ashamed. They're beautiful!
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