My 1-0h-1:*I've never had much trouble with acne, although recently I've realised I get 1 or 2 during (that special time of the month).
*I worry about wrinkles. I'm not even 25 yet, but I want to be cautious with rubbing my eyes too much etc etc.
*I worry about too much sun, I'm DEF NOT a sun bather...it scares me to death.
I research the web constantly about beauty care and products, (if the kids are in bed and my husbands at class...that's what I find myself doing), I love taking care of myself and feeling pampered with products. I wish I had the mullah for the BEST beauty products that all the celebs use, but I buy over the counter Wal-mart brand through and through. But I always find myself looking and drooling at the $200 face serum. -I know.
So when I came across researches and testing on Grapeseed Oil...I almost fell off my chair (I think I might have actually).
1- because I'm so glad I never purchased a tinsy 4 oz bottle of "dry your wallet" that would probably only last me a month!
2-because it's benefits are significantly more impactful
3-And it's pretty cheap! Serious? ya.
We're basically talking about the process of wine, but without the alcohol...
*It produces collagen. (You could have sold me right there) Our body produces less collagen when we age and THAT'S why we get wrinkles, It's like our own lil natural botox.
*It's a POWERFUL antioxidant, (even more so than Vitamin C & E ...) that protects the skin from premature aging, and it can even shrink varicose veins.
*It's great to wash your face with it (Especially the Oil Cleansing Meathod, which ALL people should do if you have acne...ditch the expensive cleansers!)It also removes your makeup. It's a myth that Oil is the factor behind acne. The natural oils you produce are trying to clean out your pores, so look into OCM. When a cleanser says OIL FREE, I shy away from it.
*It dissolves SO WELL into your skin! It doesn't leave your skin FEELING oily, it leaves more of a matte finish.
*It's protects against sun damage? (This list is getting long but it keeps getting better!) It's a perfect anti aging 'product' to use daily and keep the sun's harm off your skin!
*It's shelf life is a year, so don't buy a TON. You'll only need about 4 drops a day!
Here's the great part...there's more benefits out there! (Including how it's better for cooking than olive oil because it's lighter and because of all these benefits!)But I'm getting long winded!
My husband and I will keep you updated with our grapeseed oil progress! (Yes, I suck my DH into these sort of things...tee hee)
And I'll leave some links!Happy Tuesday!
My mom has been using a concoction of Grapeseed, coconut, olive, almond, avocado, and one other oil. She mixes them together and puts it in a little jar in the fridge. The coconut oil makes it harden. She has been using the stuff for over 15 years. She looks fantastic and she is over 50. (Just barely.)
I have started to use it now and love it. The coconut oil makes me want to eat it cause it smells so good.
I have psoriasis & use grapeseed oil in my bath when I need a little extra soothing. Keep you eye out at Big Lots if you have one local....they often carry large bottles of it for like 3-4 bucks!
Now that is really interesting! How exactly do you use it? As a face wash or as more of a serum? I'm going to have to look into this stuff. :)
Looking forward to trying this! I also love Vitamin E oil...fantastic for my skin.
I know this post is old but is there a certain type of grapeseed oil that is better than another? Like extra virgin or organic, stuff like that. And have you looked into coconut oil at all and how it compares to grapeseed oil? Also, how often do you do the OCM?
I know this is old, but cold pressed is best. Its the only kind that doesn't used chemicals to expel the oil from the grape seed.
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