SO HERE WE GO! An ugly pair of flats that just aren't working for me anymore...I dont think they ever did actually. The main reason being:
So I cut off the back...hee hee.

And I was finished!
Just Kidding...
I took some old Zibbra Print fabric from decorating my daughter's room and modpodged it on strip by strip. (About 3 per shoe) depending on if your fabric is continuous or not. 

I let it dry over night before taking an exacto knife around the sole of the shoe to get off any ugly excess fabric.
I took a black elastic and some black material to make a ruffle heel, to keep my feet in place.

I hand sewed the back ruffle on. Make sure you sew them STRAIGHT UP so that they dont slide down when you wear them (Trial n Error)
Hmmm..they're still missing something...


way too cute!!! Love them!!!
Shut up!!! Who knew mod podge would become a neccesity!!
They are darling! I never would have thought to cut the back off!
did you really just modge podge shoes?!:) Love them!!!!
So cute! Way to be frugal and get more use out of your shoes! I just started a new blog, http://becauseicancrafts.blogspot.com
check me out when you have time! I love your blog! You have great taste!
Super cute! I love all your cool ideas! :)
What a great idea!!
These are super cute! Do you think it would work if you didn't put the straps on the back? I have some that are too small, also, but I was thinking that you could still do this without putting the straps on the back...
These are totally cute! I love what you've done with them.... Well done
Wow - FABULOUS! I have been wanting to mod podge some shoes for awhile, but haven't yet. Yours turned out so cute! I love the fabric and that ruffly strap is great!
beautiful and....sassy!!!
Oh, aren't they so cute!! Love 'em!!
OMG, seriously! I just did one of my daughter's chairs and it about killed me. I had glue everywhere...I barely finished. Lets just say who knows when the other chair will be done or her table!
thats great recycling !!
I want make my old shoes :)
Thanks :))
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