Are you sick of my hair cuts? First of all I want to clear the record...I cut my hair, NOT because I didn't like the first one. (I got 100's of emails of people asking more specific questions about the cut and telling me they're going to get their's cut like it and I feel absolutely flattered! And a special thanks to my sister in law for chopping off my hair!)
I cut it because it grows too fast. When I first cut it, it was right above my chin and short and fun! But by last week it was already at a BOB length and driving me WENT SHORTER! I woke up one morning...(yesterday) and grabbed my sissors...and just kept chopping. (Sorry honey for clogging the sink).
So here's where I'm at...

I love love love it!
Gorgeous. Stunning. And I want your hair!
I'm still thinking of getting your first cut. But now maybe I'll go with this one :)
and i love your outfit!
Girl you can wear it all! HOW LUCKY ARE YOU! its darn right adorable. I love it, and your expressions and all. TO FUN!
Hot Sista! LOVE!!!
love. it. you look so cute with every hair style! Im so jealous. I think my face would look chubby with it so short... bummer... love the pictures. they are so fun!
YOU CUT IT YOURSELF? No fair! You are one talented girl!
PS. I want your hair!
You did not do that yourself? It is way too...perfect! Anyhow, as usual, you are gorgeous and the hair is beautiful! If my husband read your blog, he be wanting to marry you! Wish I had your glamour!!!!
GREAT CUT! what a bold move, and it looks FABULOUS! work it girl :D
that is so cute! i love it!
I love it! My husband would love for me to have short hair like of these days! You have a fabulous blog!
Cute!!!! Cant wait to see it in person!! Its going to be way fun to color!!
Are you blessed with fast growing hair or do you take supplements?? I have a bad hair cut and really need it to grow quick. Any tips???
I love your blog BTW:)
You are so lucky you can pull off that darling hair cut. It is so cute on you.
Love the cut! I clicked on one of the pictures to enlarge it and your cheek is so sparkly, what kind of blush do you use?
oh you are gorgeous!!! i love it!!!
i think you can pull off any hair matter what you are gorgeous!!!
Just so darn cute! You're one of those girls I hate that can wear their hair in a million different ways and look fabulous with all of them! I've wanted to have a cut like that forever but short never works on me and I think I'm probably past the age for this cute cut. I love it.
Hugs...Tracy :)
I love it! I want to cut off all my hair! I loved the first hair cut. But you are so super cute!
I'm impressed. And jealous that you look so gorgeous with ANY haircut. Really- boo you. But really, again... lookin' great!
I love short hair! I'm trying to grow mine out for my wedding (August) and it's driving me CRAZY!
I swear as soon as I'm back from the honeymoon it's all being chopped off!
Aaaaah! Apparently I've been in a cave, because I never knew you cut it in the first place! You look amazing!!
I want this hair cut! Tell me really, how easy? Hair dryer & gunk easy or curling iron easy?
I'm a mom of 4 I need EASY
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