Tanning beds and the sun itself can makes your skin age faster and can give you skin cancer. That's basically why I started sunless tanning. I get the recommended 10 minutes a day in the sun, even during the winter you can use windows for that 10 minutes, or driving in the car (if it's not tinted windows).
Here's HOW to use sunless lotions:
RECOMMENDED DIRECTIONS:You need to apply it when you have time. I like to do it in the evening so it can dry a couple hours before I go to bed and let it work all night. So let me give you a quicky re-cap that should help tons! EXFOLIATE in the shower. If you have a pumice scrub for your feet, an exfoliater for your face and scrub your wrists elbows and knees really good etc etc... Even wash your hair...Then dry off pull your hair up, (it's better if your hair is damp, then if the sunless lotion by chance touches your hair it won't soak in-but still avoid hair lines as much as possible). (Don't use anything oily in the shower if you're going to use a spray tan). Dry off completely, not just with a towel...you need to be completely dry!
Tanning beds and the sun itself can makes your skin age faster and can give you skin cancer. That's basically why I started sunless tanning. I get the recommended 10 minutes a day in the sun, even during the winter you can use windows for that 10 minutes, or driving in the car (if it's not tinted windows).
Here's HOW to use sunless lotions:
RECOMMENDED DIRECTIONS:You need to apply it when you have time. I like to do it in the evening so it can dry a couple hours before I go to bed and let it work all night. So let me give you a quicky re-cap that should help tons! EXFOLIATE in the shower. If you have a pumice scrub for your feet, an exfoliater for your face and scrub your wrists elbows and knees really good etc etc... Even wash your hair...Then dry off pull your hair up, (it's better if your hair is damp, then if the sunless lotion by chance touches your hair it won't soak in-but still avoid hair lines as much as possible). (Don't use anything oily in the shower if you're going to use a spray tan). Dry off completely, not just with a towel...you need to be completely dry!
Apply a moisturizer to your face/neck. Then take lotion, and slather feet, ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and hands. You want to be moisturized and rubbed in, not dripping of excess lotion. K, now you first apply sunless lotion to your face-neck-front and back of shoulders and as much of your neck line that will be showing.
Then fervently wash your hands with soap and water and towel dry your hands really good and get in between each finger. Then apply sunless lotion to one leg at a time and use any excess from that leg to massage it into your foot and ankle. Repeat other leg. Then do your arms and rub in excess into your wrists and hands at the end as well.
Then rinse and slightly wash your fingers and inside of palms without splashing. Then towel dry the heck out of them (like you're exfoliating) your fingers and inside of palm and inside of wrist that's touches palms.Now take a little BODY lotion and rub it into your hands and spread it up your arms and back to your hands a bit all around and massage your wrists as well. What you're doing it taking a bit of that sunless lotion and smoothing it into your hands. This helps even your hands and keeps them from being orangey but still not white, while your arms are tan. If you want to be tan for awhile, apply the tanner every 4-7 days...dep
ending on the tan you want.
Now let's talk tanners! All the reviews are by ME. I sacrifice myself so that you can benefit! Nothing's funner than living and learning and making Orangey mistakes right?
Now let's talk tanners! All the reviews are by ME. I sacrifice myself so that you can benefit! Nothing's funner than living and learning and making Orangey mistakes right?
L'Oreal Sublime Bronze
I give it an 8. I LOVE that it's already bronzy with a shimmer, so you can see it when you put it on, and the smell is mild for a tanner. The tan is believable and buildable and lasts.

Victoria's Secret: Beach Sexy Sunkissed Bronze
K, I'm giving this a 7. It's not streaky, it's a believable color, it's a very buildable color, and if you mix it with a lil moisturizer for you face, it's pretty great. It has a bronze shimmer to it so it has an instant bronze. The smell is strong, but it's not a sunless smell, it's a coconut, fruity beachy smell? Which works at covering up the sunless smell. CON: It goes out of season.

I'm giving this a 3. It did NOT work for me, it was very very dark and not a great color. I HAVE heard that if you're already dark this looks better, but that it's still not a buildable color because it gets more and more orange. I gave it a three so that if you have dark skin...you could look into it. But I wouldn't recommend for lighter skin tones. I'm not one to waste product so I mixed this with half my cocobutter lotion. Now in between self tanning I can apply some "tinted" lotion to keep me glowing!

I'm giving this a 6. I was impressed with this mist. It was my first spray I tried and I thought I was successful. I sprayed everywhere including my face. I did have to LIGHTLY exfoliate the next morning in certain areas but was happy with the result! I'm giving it a 6 because I dont think it was a great buildable tan color. And didn't stay as long as I would have wished.

Fake Bake's: Instant Air Brush
7 Rating. This product had some pretty great reviews. It's pricey though. When I first sprayed it on I almost had a heart attack because it was like using a spray paint can. I was spraying on brown lines, and I just kept spraying it. It said to apply to the face with a sponge...I just sprayed it tho and then sprayed my arms as well and it never streaked. I wasn't use to being so tan so I had to get use to it, except, the next morning when I showered, the color all went down the drain and I was left with a normal tan. But this product REALLY soaked up on my ankles and feet, so be sure to use an oil free moisturizer on those areas before applying. CON: Strong Sunless smell.

LEFT PHOTO: Day before tan------------------- RIGHT PHOTO: Whoa tan!
(My husband is already naturally that dark and yes, naturally that handsome.
Love that guy).
Me on the other hand. I turned into THIS lady:
but it definitely get's the job done.
Bella Bronze: Golden Chamomile and Goats Milk self tanner
8. I've tried tinted glow lotions like Jergens etc...and I would put this far and above any tinted lotions. (the barely tinted lotions that dont make you tan but give you a glow, not sunless tanning lotions). I use this on my face with great success. It's a very light tint but darker than any drug store tint lotion that doesn't do squat. I got this for free in beauty kit, but I think it might be a little pricey.

Banana Boats: Summer Color Self Tanning Lotion
I'm giving this an 8.5. I love this! This was the first self tanning lotion I ever used and I still love to get my hands on it. I remember waiting in my doctors office flipping through a SELF magazine and found an article on self tanners. This was ranked at the top. So I bought it and loved it. It's a very believable color. It's a great believable color on my skin, and a great buildable color tone. I get the Medium/Dark instead because it's such a beleivable color and I don't have to build as much. It stays for days.
UPDATE: I use this with the top LOREAL SUBLIME BRONZE and it's a great half/half mixture that I'm LOVING right now! The Loreal gives a great bronze and the Banana Boat gives a lasting color.

4. Now this is the spray form of the one above. Spray is faster than lotion, but it also empties your bottle faster. I would spray it on my face but then I rub it in with my fingers (only on my face do I rub it in). It's a really great color. I'd give it an 7-8, but the scent chokes my insides out. Still a great product if you want to stench the house down and poison your lungs.

I'll post more reviews as I try them!
{pics via google}
is it really the first day of summer!? cool. thanks for this info. and thanks again for taking my oldest for the week. she had the time of her life. you are really great you know? love, t
really a super, very informative post!
I've wondered about several of these products..
might try them myself now..
warm sandy hugs..
Banana boat is my all-time favorite! I might have to try the VS kind too this year! Thanks for the sacrifice =) ~Andrea @ Life in Dawleywood
what do you do while you wait for it to dry? I can't walk around naked for a couple hours while I dry so I am stuck in the bathroom--and then I feel like I can't sit or do anything that might mess it up--so just wondering!
haha...I know! I either do it when my kids are asleep, or when my husband is home and will take the kids out to play. I stay in my room and read :)
Ohh...great post, very informative, I always stand there in front of all these products and wonder what will look "real" on me cause there's no way this German girl is going out in the sun, I burn, and I'll pass on possible cancer, and leather looking skin.
P.S. Where have you been? I've missed you!
If you want to try another sunless self tanning product you should try AVON's Absolute Glow. I have four ladies who buy this from me and all have said it's the best one they have tried, and it looks great. You can go to www.youravon.com/kellyrender to order some the last price it was listed at was $5.99. This particular product also has a firming gel in it, and is good for all skin tones. When you get to the site go to the search bar and look up the product name above. Just thought I'd share with you!! Great post!
I adore your reviews. I am going to try two of the self tanners the avon one the lady mentioned the reviews are awsome and it has cellulite stuff couldn't hurt and your banana boat stuff. Thanks for all the hard work we appriciate it. And you inspired me to do another self cut :)
wow this is awesome.
Thanks for testing all these out for us! I am going to try the Banana Boat summer color lotion.
This is awesome! I've always wanted to do self tanners, but I was always afraid of applying it wrong or turning orange. Thanks for your opinion and testing these products. I always take your advice to heart and I'll definitely be trying some of these. Thanks Linds!
Perfect! I am also pasty white and want to take off some of the glare from my legs without the sun. I'll definitely try the Banana Boat lotion. Thanks for the review!
This is awesome that you did this! I am wearing a cast lately so getting in the sun has not been on the top of my list. I think as soon as I get this off I will try the Banana Boat! Thanks for trying them for us, ha!
Thanks for the reviews! I'm gonna try one!
Thanks for sharing your experiences with self tanners. I too am a paisty pale blonde and hate showing off my vibrant whiteness. I have been to scared to try self tanners in the past due to others orange skin tone. I think I might just have to try one this summer!
i use the summer color, it's cheap and it last long. i have very fair skin and it doesnt make me orange at all. I LOVE IT! In beauty school we learned how to apply self tanners, so i think that helps to.
Thanks for sharing!
Summer color is good, it has good self tanner reviews
Famous Daves self tanner ..This absolutely the BEST self tanning lotion on the market. ..if you don't believe me then just check out the 15000+ testimonials on Famousdaves web site !!
I have used this product for the past 2 yrs +..I live in beautiful Queensland, Australia , but ,unfortunately we have one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. It is sunny most of the year and it is really great to have a very natural looking tan obtained without the damaging rays of the sun...I have tried numerous products and came across this self tanner while on ebay. Wow what a fantastic find ! I am fair skinned , green eyes,and have tried several of the Famous Dave range. I love them all and when the latest one became available I was keen to give it a go ..The Famous Daves Moisture Tan ..Dark with Bronzer...and as with all his products, it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!!
Wow this is/does everything that it says it does ..with the bronzer included you can see where you may have missed ,and the result ? A fabulous golden natural looking tan with the one application..and definitely NO orange !! I exfoliated using the Famous Daves Scrub Away and then applied it prior to going away to the beach for the past week. I had many comments on my great looking tan and it is now 6 days later and it is still looking fabulous just like the day I applied it !
The added bonus of moisturising ingredients of Jojoba and Aloe leave my skin feeling and looking smooth and silky .
By the way, customer service is outstanding as is the super fast delivery to the other side of the world ! I am definitely a customer for life.
Exfoliating the skin is an important step to getting an even looking tan. I found that when I exfoliate the self tanner product is much easier to apply and looks better. Exfoliating the skin removes the dead skin cells so your skin absorbs products better. I recently found some great self tanners that don't streak or give you that orange color so I am ready for summer. I have lost weight too so I looking forward to those cute summer cloths.
Awesome blogs! I have been using a self tanner for my face and emergencies for about two years now. The color is great and it last for about a week if not consistently in the water. It is a spray so you have to be very careful and practice, but it's worth it! It's called White Out by SunFX.
Thanks for the tips!!! Im a very PROUD Irish woman..but NOT so proud of my VERY pasty skin tone! lol. Ive tried almost every product you listed, and can only think of one tip to add to this:
If you purchase the Victoria's Secret tanner....steer CLEAR of the spray on one. I got it, and thought it was one of the worse sunless tanners I've ever used, despite hearing great reviews about VS tanning products. I haven't tried the lotion one yet though... but think I will go grab a bottle this week!!!! I immediately thought to myself after using the spray, that the lotion probably worked 100x better.
Thanks again!
I use the Banana Boat sel tanning lotion and your right, it is amazing. I do only use this on my legs though because i have found that i get little brown almost fuzz balls on my arms and chest area. I am thinking this is because I didn't exfoliate good enough so I am going to give it another go. THanks so much for this post, it was awesome!
Thanks for your post! I do love the Loreal bronzer, but I now will try the Banana Boat. How do you get your back tanned with no help? Thanks!
Yes! Please tell the back tanning secret. Every time I try to do it without my hubby's help (which is every time), it's a streaky disaster. :(. I've decided there must be a secret club of back lotioners.
I've been using Salon Bronze for about a year and I LOVE it! You can get it at Sally Beauty supply. The starter kit is $13 and the refills are $8.99. No orange, lasts for about 10 days. I'm a ginger (so, super pale) and this looks really natural on me.
I use beautisol, you can by it from Amazon or HSN. It's a little pricey, but well worth it. Some fake self tanners can cause cancer, Beautisol is made from tea, so it's healthy for you (at least that's what I have been told). This brand comes in many shades. I shower and shave, put lotion on rough skin and then go to bed. No streaks! =)
Bandanna boat summer color her favorite! Plus mix with bare minerals Faux Tan omg its perfect color!!! No orange instant color from faux tan but lasting mixed with bandanna boat. Better than the loreal mix she's using I use it sometimes because its CHEAPER but the color is well worth the price difference of 10$
Bandanna boat summer color her favorite! Plus mix with bare minerals Faux Tan omg its perfect color!!! No orange instant color from faux tan but lasting mixed with bandanna boat. Better than the loreal mix she's using I use it sometimes because its CHEAPER but the color is well worth the price difference of 10$
ZEN from Ulta is an instant tanner. Very believable not orange and doesn't not STREAK! A bit pricey $30 but worth it since I don't have to fight streaks
I still am not sure which one to use. I am so white that my friends call me casper. I want to be tan without looking like an alligator hand bag when I'm 40.
I am a self tanning pro and have tried almost all of these. Fake bake is by far the best. It is a bit pricier I buy it for $16 with my estetician license. It is worth the cost. The spray and lotion work best. I wouldn't recommend the mouse it does not go on smoothly. Fake bake gives more results than the other products she showed and it is the only one that is brown not orange.
I am an airbrush tech and my products are amazing! Check out endlessglow.com/melissa. It's fairly inexpensive and goes on flawlessly. If you live nearby I'd love to give you a great sunless tan that is gorgeous and great for your skin. If you're not nearby there is probably a tan tech near you... Great reviews too! I want to try the banana boat now and see how the colors compare. Thnx!
I am an airbrush tech and my products are amazing! Check out endlessglow.com/melissa. It's fairly inexpensive and goes on flawlessly. If you live nearby I'd love to give you a great sunless tan that is gorgeous and great for your skin. If you're not nearby there is probably a tan tech near you... Great reviews too! I want to try the banana boat now and see how the colors compare. Thnx!
I just know when i type in famousdaves here in USA it will show me BBQ ribs
MaryKay has an AWESOME sunless tanner lotion it is build able and I love it! Also it doesn't have that nasty after smell you usually get! Here is the link if younarevinterested in ordering some! Enjoy! http://www.marykay.com/kbritton4/en-US/search/Sunless%20tanner
Thanks for the help...it beats having to buy a bunch of wrongs to find a right!
I love this post! I laughed out loud at Janes comment, because famous Dave's is a BBQ joint in the US.
Anyway, I have used a bunch, and I agree, banana boat is great! My favorite indulgence is Xentan. It's pricey at Nordstrom, but $20 a bottle is worth it to me. Maybe you could try it and add it to your list because to color, the smell and it's lasting tan are all great. It gives me a little more olive tone than orange-ish most others give me. I have pinkish undertones, anyway. From a fellow pasty - thanks for posting your homework! Ps - I came from pinterest.
I searched 6 stores and couldn't find the Banana Boat lotion in my area (San Jose, CA) but found the BB spray version at Target in Monterey. I had my fiancé help spray me down, then I cleaned my whole house...in the nude. LOL! House is done, and I still have an hour to go before I can put some darn clothes on. So, I'm sitting on the very edge of the sofa (on a towel) watching TV and trying to not let my skin touch anything...which is next to impossible.
There's a self tanning instant color spray at Sally Beatitu Supply called Quick Tan. It's absolutely amazing. It's instant so you won't get streaks or uneven color. It lasts a couple weeks and if you reapply every couple days it maintains very well. It's $19.99 for the can and its totally worth it! You should try it & rate it!
There's a self tanning instant color spray at Sally Beatitu Supply called Quick Tan. It's absolutely amazing. It's instant so you won't get streaks or uneven color. It lasts a couple weeks and if you reapply every couple days it maintains very well. It's $19.99 for the can and its totally worth it! You should try it & rate it!
Have you ever tried Rodan+Fields Essential Foaming Sunless Tan? Here is a link to check it out: https://equestrianlife.myrandf.com/Shop/Product/ESST125
I love all of their products and their sunscreens are recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation!
Great review! I wish it also had which ones smell the least. Anyone else out there dislike the way these sunless tanners smell??!
Going to try that tried the mix of banna boat and other one she suggested but didnt turn out good at all.
I'd love to know your opinion of the Mary Kay sunless tanner. I love it.
I love banana boat. Sun screen is so important to a healthy lifestyle.
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