...but I didn't want to go out and buy supplies, so I had this idea in my head that was brilliant. Over the top genius! I had a smile on my face for days as I contemplated my next move:
I gathered my supplies:
My cheap nonstick cookie sheets, (because the light colored cookie sheets aren't magnetic, but the dark pans are), Paper, magnets, clear rocks, appliques etc...

I turned over the cookie sheet to measure and cut my paper to the appropriate size...

I mod-podged on my layers. Fast and easy so far, and at this point I was still smiling.
Super cute and spunky right?

A baseball one for my son, and a Paris one for my daughter. All I need is a few more appliques and some vinyl lettering and add the magnets.

Well, this is where i took a big step back. A large step.
Leaving me nothing but a stiff piece of paper and a new expression on my face...
(And pans that finally decided to be non-stick...how convenient).

Mod Podge,
those are cute. stick em' on wood and bake me cookies on the non stick pans. love ya.
Try to sand the sheets and then modge podge again.
I was going to recommend sanding too, but you may need something a little more abrasive - steel wool, maybe? Once the non-stick surface is scratched, hopefully the Mod Podge will stick to what's underneath.
A greased monkey!! hee hee. That was funny. ok, let's see. How about nothing? Just use the magnets to hold the paper on and then you can change it whenever you want to. I re-read your blog and I can't tell if you're saying your sheets are or are not magnetic but I just tried a magnet on my cookie sheets that look just like yours and they are. If they aren't magnetic, then never mind, forget I commented. Good luck!
That is really cute. I would think sanding like mentioned above or maybe try a spray addhesive. Good luck and let us know if something works. I really would love to make one of these :)
Double sided tape??
Gorilla Glue?
Drill very small holes and use eyelets to keep the paper onto the cookie sheet?
e6000 glue
I use clear silicone for surfaces like that.
Spray adhesive will for sure work. I made a cookie sheet advent calender. We used it and it hasn't budged. Elmers spray adhesive glue.
I used this tutorial to make a magnetic board for my girls room - http://acraftymomslife.blogspot.com/2010/07/cookie-sheet-magnet-board.html
I haven't noticed my paper pulling up but I did cover it with an acrylic sealer. What about maybe adding some appliques or something to the magnets holding the paper on? That way you could camouflage them. Good luck!!
While I was doing my dishes I had a thought... if you put them on wood it won't be magnetic anymore hu? Bless my soul, and bless my brain.
Linds...I have some very fine sand paper at my house...come over and we'll play and see if we can get it to work...it's the teflon that won't let anything stick. Great for eggs and cookies...bad for glue. :)
I just made one and what I found that worked... the light shiny cookie sheets from Walmart - it was a set of 3 different sizes for $4!!! I even painted on w/ Chalkboard paint so that the baby has a portable chalkboard!!! Thanks for the idea!
I was going to suggest sanding the cookie sheet too. and maybe the e6000 glue after that?
They're so cute though! I hope you find something that works!
I spray painted mine ORB first then Modge Podged the paper on over that. I've had it for several months now and it hasn't moved. Good luck!
I love love love this~ great idea.
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