It's almost Valentine's Day so I thought I'd share some love.
Some Shabby Apple Vintage Dress LOVIN!

I'm not sure if my heart can take so much fashion fantasies...

But for just a moment I may pretend that this dress belongs to me...

Or this one...

Can i wear three at once....yum

You can find so many styles of dresses! Women's dresses including maternity dresses and little girl's dresses are ALL found at Shabby Apple!
And now Shabby Apple is giving the Cuegly Crowd 10% off on your purchase!
Just enter the SUPER SAVING CODE: "thatssocuegly10off"

And one lucky reader is going to win
this beauty...

valued at $86
I know right?
And I'll make it easy for you...{4 possible entries!}
1 comment if: You follow Shabby Apple on Facebook
1 comment if: You follow vivid photography on Facebook
1 comment if: You follow That's So Cuegly on Facebook
Giveaway ends 2/17/11
{must have United States postal address}
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»I follow SA on FB!!
I follo TSC ON FB!!
I follow VP on FB!!
I would love the Cider dress
I like them on facebook
I'm in love with this dress... http://www.shabbyapple.com/p-613-champs-elysees.aspx I need a cute flarry dress!!
I ♥ TSC!
Oh..this is awesome! I was just drooling over shabby apple the other day! I would love ANY dress from the 1942 collection. Gorgeous! :)
I follow SA on facebook!
I follow vivd photo on FB!
I "loved" thats so cuegly on fb! :)
My OH MY! So many beautiful dresses! I would love the Champs Elysees.
I'm a follower of Shabby Apple on Facebook.
I follow That's So Cuegly on Facebook!
I <3 TSC!
I Love love love Bon Voyage from their site!!
I follow cugely on FB!! steph_sims10@hotmail.com
And I now follow Shabby Apple on facebook! steph_sims10@hotmail.com
I love all the dresses! too hard to choose. love em all
That was the first I've seen vivid photography on facebook and it's so beautiful. I follow! steph_sims10@hotmail.com
not too shabby ;) I actually almost cried when I saw that there was a tool to match your body type with the dress styles. Who DOES that? I love it...
My favorite dress (according to my awesome "pear" shape) is the Carousel dress... so fun!!!
I'm also a follower of your facebook page
I Love love love the green Applacia dress!! It's to DIE FOR!
I Follow Shabby Apple on Facebook!
I follow vivid photography on facebook!
I follow That's so Cugely on Facebook!
Love the simpleness of the Liz and Darcy.
I follow thats so cuegly on facebook
I follow shabby apple on facebook!
{I ♥ TSC!}
I love the cider dress
I follow Shabby Apple on facebook
I follow you on facebook
l'amour! so pretty!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
My favorite dress is Madison Ave!
Cardigans and Cookie Dough
I follow Shabby Apple on fb!
Cardigans and Cookie Dough
I follow YOU on fb!
Cardigans and Cookie Dough
I also follow vivid photography on fb!
Cardigans and Cookie Dough
I love the black oak dress. They have so many cute ones!
I liked Shabby Apple on FB
I also liked Vivid Photo
I liked That's so Cuegly as well
I do indeed like Shabby Apple on facebook.
I can't pick my favorite dress...how about a page?
um Ribbon Falls, Sierra Nevada, Scarlet Raven.
I love them for their names too!
I follow Shabby Apple on facebook!
I most definitely follow Vivid Photography on FB!
I follow That's So Cuegly on FB!
It's killing me to choose just one to list but Bon Voyage is adorable.
I love Penelope and Odysseus!
I follow that so Cuegly. Thanks!
Oops missed a step. My favorite dress is so hard to pick but I am going to say:
I love their cider dress.
New calidonia!
i follow shabby apple
i follow vivid photography!
i follow that's so cuegly because your rock!
~ Trying to pick your favorite dress on Shabby Apple is like trying to pick your favorite child. Impossible! But, Snow Melt and Maple are at the top of my list!
~ Following Shabby Apple on Facebook.
Following Vivid Photography on Facebook.
~ Following That's So Cuegly on Facebook.
I love them all! The appalachia dress is very cute.
tiffdeon at yahoo dot com
I follow them on FB.
tiffdeon at yahoo dot com
I follow you on FB.
tiffdeon at yahoo dot com
I follow vivid photography on FB.
tiffdeon at yahoo dot com
I love the penelope and odysseus dress. I am a sucker fro browns...and this one is aswome!!
I am a shabby apple facebook fan!
I love the ingrid from shabby apple, it's gorgeous!
I'm a shabby apple fb fan :)
I ♥ TSC!
I'm a vivid Photography fan :)
{I ♥ TSC!}...I really do!
tiffdeon at yahoo dot com
Love Glacier! I may have drooled just a little bit!
I follow shabby apple on facebook!
i follow vivid photography on facebook now too!
i follow that's so cuegly on facebook. woohoo..i totally want that dress!!!
I definitely follow Shabby Apple on Facebook!
So for some reason I can't get onto the Shabby Apple website, but I can look at their blog so I will describe the dress that I am loving right now. It's bright red with a cute bow on the left shoulder. Mostly I just love ALL of Shabby Apple's dresses!
My favorite Shabby Apple dress has to be Bonheur or anything from their new collection!
I like Shabby Apple on Facebook. Thanks! :)
i loveee all the new south pacific dresses!!
I like shabby apple on fb
It is nearly impossible to pick your favorite dress from shabby apple..ill take one of each one..k!! but if i have to pikc just one maple is on the top
i like thats so cuegly on fb
liked vivid photography on fb
my fav's are the daisy and the atlantic fog. such a fun giveaway, I love shabby apple.
I love "Atlantic Fog"and "Pont Neuf"! So cute!
all so pretty! I love Bethesda Fountain.
I follow Shabby Apple
I follow Vivid Photography. (You're amazing)
I follow that's so cuegly!
I like the Martha Stewart dress! So cute! And I love that you can shop dresses by your body type. So helpful!
I "like" Shabby Apple on fb
I "like" Vivid Photography on fb
I "like" That's So Cuegly on fb
{I ♥ TSC!}
I love the black oak dress!
I like the Sheep Meadow dress.
I like Shabby Apple on FB
I like Vivid Photography on FB
I like Thats so Cuegly on FB
I have a whole list but, The Black Oak Dress is way cute! ]
I like Shabby Apple on facebook
I like vivid photography on facebook
I like cuegly on facebook
I love their El Mar dress over there. But I didn't know they did athletic wear too. It's hard to pick just one.
Thanks for sharing!
havenera at gmail dot com
mt favorite? Nothin' Like a Dame
I "like" that's so cuegly on FB!
I "like" vivid photography on FB!
following Shabby apple on FB :)
I just LOVEEEE the Casablanca dress. ::sigh!::
TheToastedCoconut (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Shabby Apple on facebook!
TheToastedCoconut (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow vivid photography on facebook!
TheToastedCoconut (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow TSC on facebook!
TheToastedCoconut (at) gmail (dot) com
{i ♥ TSC!}
{I ♥ TSC!}
I LOVE black oak & chikaree. It's so hard to choose!
I follow Shabby Apple of Facebook
I follow Vivid Photography on Facebook
I follow TSC on facebook
I love the bon voyage dress!
So many cute dresses! I love the "Ming" dress.
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
I follow Shabby Apple on FB.
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
I follow Vivid Photography on FB.
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
I follow you on FB.
lindsfitch at hotmail dot com
I love the Marthas Vineyard dress. Although I really love them all.
I follow shabby Apple
I follow VP on facebook
I follow TSC on facebook excited I found your blog great blog cute ideas
i really like the cider dress!
{I ♥ TSC!}
follow vivid photography
follow Shabby Apple on FB
IMPOSSIBLE to choose just ONE! But I really like Sierra Neveda
Oooh, Lets see, lets see. I pretty much love the South Pacific whole section but I do like Aloha and Pina Colada. I also thoroughly enjoy Liz and Darcy. I LOVE how modest they are...I could wear almost every single one! NEW WARDROBE!!! So sorry Danny...spent our whole tax return on dresses!
I now follow Shabby Apple
PS {I ♥ TSC!}
I also follow VIVID...which I think is entirely awesome!
PS again {I ♥ TSC!}
And of course I had to Follow "That's So Cuegly".
PS...Now I get the Initials for the Final {I ♥ TSC!}
The cider! The dress color and the half blossoms oooh I love it!
My favorite dress is the Ski Bop - divine!
I'm following Shabby Apple on FB!
I'm following vivid photography on FB!
I'm following That's So Cuegly on FB!
fav dress is champs elysees! too cute!
I follow vivid photography on fb!
I follow thats so cuegly on fb too love you sis!
My favorite is the Aloha dress.
I follow Shabby Apple on FB
LOVE the Sacred Falls dress!
You know I follow SA on FB!
I follow TSC on FB!
i lovee the ribbon falls dress!
i liked shabby apples on fb (brittany k)
i liked That's So Cuegly on fb (brittany k)
i liked Vivid Photography on fb (brittany k)
What dress didn't I love?!? I think my two favorites are Champ Elysees and Pina Colada!
I love the Pina Colada!
I like Shabby Apple on facebook!
I like that's So Cuegly on fb!
I like Vivid Photography on FB
From your newest follower:
My favorite is the Aloha dress, and it has nothing to do with the fact that the military stuck us in Hawaii!
Just went and liked you on FB!
Just went and liked Shabby Apple on FB!
I love the applacia dress! Thanks for the give a way.
Shabby Apple has been one of my favorite insperation sites! Yay! a few of my fav's include River Moon, Maple, Jacobs Pillow and Cider.
I am a fan of Shabby apple on fb!
I follow That's so Cuegy on facebook!
I *like* Vivid Photography on fb!
i liked them all, but LOVED the bonheur dress :)
I totally follow SA on facebook and vividphoto. Love them all. I love the chickaree dress. Really all of them. They are so different and I love that. Love you to lins. :)
I am following S.A. on FB ;)
..and vivid photography
...and that's so cuegly
And my favorite dress??? There are too many splendid ones! Nothin' like a dame??
{I ♥ TSC!}
I LOVE Shabby Apple....and I LOVE the PENELOPE AND ODYSSEUS dress!
I follow Shabby Apple of FB!
Following That's so Cuegly on FB!
Following Vivid Photography on FB!
I love the flirty, white, Daisy dress! Very Cute.
I am facebook fan follower!
Okay, there are few things I love more than a frilly dress that releases your inner Beyonce, lol. The Appalachia dress is beyond amazing and after an hour browsing the site is officially my favorite!
I'm Shabby Apple's newest fan on Facebook ;)
TSC I'm your newest fan on Facebook chica!
I ♥ TSC!
I'm Vivid Video's newest fan on Facebook!
i follow thats so cuegly on fb
I love this one!
i like shabby apple on fb!
i like vivid photography on fb!
i like that's so cuegly on fb!
My favorite dress is the Kuna Crest. It is just so pretty.
I am a follower of shabby apple of facebook.
I am a follower of vivid photography on facebook.
I am a follower of that's so cuegly on facebook.
i love them all! but either new caledonia or glacier would be my top picks!
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