It's not hard to sit down with your kids and make a list of things to do before the summer ends. (granted, some of these are still INDOOR activities).
And THANK HEAVEN'S for Pinterest, so that my searching for activities was made easy!
UPDATE: Our favorite activities we've done multiple times. And we're still making summer lists EVERY SUMMER. But here's some ideas to get you started.
(I made the pics mini, because there's SEVENTY FIVE + of them, but if you click on them, it should show up full size!)
1: Glow sticks in the bathtub. (I had to cover the window with a blanket some days because they wanted to do it when it was still light out!).

9:Balloon tennis. We got free paint stick stirrers at Walmart and used our 'personality balloons' found below.

10: Ding Dong Ditch w/a gift. Any neighbor you choose or think needs a pick me up!

11: Teach diversity with eggs. We're all the same on the inside remember?

12: Teach about the moon phases with Oreos. Then get you each a mug-a-milk ;)

13: Hand shadows and other objects. This also helps my kids be less scared of the shadows in their room at night.

But I've found that making it dry erase is a better way to practicing the same page over and save paper and ink!

17: Play angry birds on the nook. (This was a mandatory pick, obviously by my kids)

20: (wow this picture is small). Make Japanese chain cut outs. The kids will be amazed that they're all connected. (I tried to make the people holding hands, and FAILED. The hearts were easier).

22: Floating raisins. We've all done this, but I have to be honest the kids weren't THAT into it.

23: Blow up a balloon with vinegar and Baking Soda! YES, the kids LOVED this one.

25: Helping cook. Doing grown up things is funner than kid things right? Of course be cautious in age and working around hot stoves and knives.

26: Make pony bead necklaces! My son loved this just as much as my daughter. (or pasta necklaces, tho ours always break.) And twice we've made fruit loop necklaces to bring and eat during church.

29: Dry erase marker mirror faces! She's doing kissy lips...

41: Exercise. You can be their instructor and try giving COSMIC KIDS YOGA a chance! They'll love going on a Yoga Adventure!
42: Make an obstacle coarse with crape paper streamers. I used our hallway. They crawl and step over all of it while trying not to touch the streamers.

44: Make Dino fossils out of play dough and toy dinosaurs. Imprint and then let it dry.

50: Go geocaching. My kids love 'treasure hunting' and BEG to do this EVERY single day. One of our favorite family activities.
51: Blow Wish Flowers. (AKA: dead dandelions). Or go Dandelion picking with baskets.
52: Make popsicle stick puzzles. Storing a puzzle in a rubber band is brilliant enough I think. (using a photo is fun too)
53: Make GIANT bubbles. Poke a hole in the bottom of a paper cup, or cut off the bottom of a water bottle. Dip. Blow.
54: Go swimming. My kids both did GREAT this year. We over came some MAJOR water fears.
55: Color-Trace Leaves. If you haven't done this before...get to work.
57: Ice cube paint. Freeze water and food color in ice trays. Freeze with a toothpick or popsicle stick. Go outside if it's warm and enjoy some cold painting.
58: Play Mail Man. (with the mail you wrote and decorated earlier)
60: Make homemade lava lamps. Thanks to my friend Jess who taught me.
61: Mini Marshmallow construction. Give them toothpicks and you've got a good hour of down time.
62: Make mini bun pizzas. This way your kids can decorate their own.
63: Paint and Roll Marbles. (Or in our case, hungry hippo balls)
64: Make cookies. Let them do everything but work with the oven. Make matching aprons if your ambitious! (I got the kids aprons at the dollar store;)
65: Potato stamps. (A fav)
66: Make a pinecone bird feeder. You'll enjoy the fruits of your labor all summer while bird watching.
67: Make and Play Play Dough.

68: Go through a car wash. (And if your in our family, tell scary stories:) This is a new major high-tech car wash in our area...
69: Have a water sprayer fight! recommended outdoors;) (also good to fill up with 1/4 vinegar and give your kids toothbrushes to clean the base boards...Yes I'm aware of child labor laws, but for's a game to them)
70: Scavenger Hunt. (A fav)
71: A picnic. A regular one. Nothing's better than a spot of shaded grass on a hot day.
72: Build a fort! I wanted to post this one for inspiration because my blanket forts weren't picture worthy. My kids LOVE watching movies in a fort tho.
73: Write and send snail mail to loved ones. (That blue flying eagle is considered snail speed now thanks to the internet).
74: Tear drop volcanoes. Put baking soda on a tray. Fill paper cups with vinegar and food color. Use a dropper to create fizzy foam!
75: (no pic) Go Dollar Store shopping. Give them each 1-5 bucks and they're in heaven.

57: Ice cube paint. Freeze water and food color in ice trays. Freeze with a toothpick or popsicle stick. Go outside if it's warm and enjoy some cold painting.

58: Play Mail Man. (with the mail you wrote and decorated earlier)

60: Make homemade lava lamps. Thanks to my friend Jess who taught me.

66: Make a pinecone bird feeder. You'll enjoy the fruits of your labor all summer while bird watching.

67: Make and Play Play Dough.

68: Go through a car wash. (And if your in our family, tell scary stories:) This is a new major high-tech car wash in our area...

69: Have a water sprayer fight! recommended outdoors;) (also good to fill up with 1/4 vinegar and give your kids toothbrushes to clean the base boards...Yes I'm aware of child labor laws, but for's a game to them)

72: Build a fort! I wanted to post this one for inspiration because my blanket forts weren't picture worthy. My kids LOVE watching movies in a fort tho.

73: Write and send snail mail to loved ones. (That blue flying eagle is considered snail speed now thanks to the internet).

1 – 200 of 301 Newer› Newest»What a fun list!! I bet your kids (and you) had a blast!!! Is there a section on Pinterest for kids activities? If so where? Love this post! P.S. I've missed your posts this summer ;)
holy fritos awesome mommy of the year.
wow, you're really are the coolest and most creative mommy ever! I want to be as awesome as you some day! I think this will get me off to a good start!
THANK YOU for posting this!! I've been desperately looking for good ideas to do with my kiddo. He'll love these! Makes being the oldest suck less. :)
I love this!!! These ideas are just fabulous! Thanks for sharing!
lots of great ideas! I love the sponge finger painting.
Wow!! What a great list! Thanks so much for sharing!
Love all these esp. the glow sticks!
Incredible list, so so cool. Thank you!!!!
Great ideas - thanks for sharing them all!
I am so excited about this list! I have been in such a mom funk lately and feel like we are doing nothing but watching a whole lot of Disney channel. This is gonna get me out of this funk! I find so many of these lists on Pinterest and they are such unrealistic or complicated ideas...these are all so perfect! Thank you for sharing!
So many amazing ideas -- thank you so much!!!
I know this post is quite old now but (thankx to pinterest) I have just discovered your blog while looking for some fun activities for my hyper-active two-year-old. Amazing ideas and a great blog! Thank you!
I know this post is quite old now but (thankx to pinterest) I have just discovered your blog while looking for some fun activities for my hyper-active two-year-old. Amazing ideas and a great blog! Thank you!
oh my goodness, what a fabulous list!! Just what I needed going into our second week of spring break with horrible weather!! I love your church ideas, I will be using them!!
xo, Leanne
Great ideas. Thanks for sharing these activities. As a mom, I'm very grateful for ladies like you who share outdoor activities so we can teach our kids cool stuff while still having fun together. It's bonding moments they will always remember. Thanks again for the time you took to share these ideas with the online world. KV in Indiana.
Great list! Thank you so much for sharing!
So fabulous! Looking forward to starting on the list!
I hope this doesnt come across as rude, just trying to help bc I am a science teacher with a love for all things hands on. We've done the moon phases and it's awesome. But please don't do it like the picture bc it's wrong. :( the waxing phases are correct but the waning phases should be flipped. Think "when the light is on the right it's getting bright" (so light on left is getting dark) :)
This list is awesome! Thanks for taking the time to share it. That messless makeup idea is just inspired.
I thought you might like to know that we have Happy Ham Day every year in our house, we do it with the Christmas ham that's on sale, and it nicely fills the gap between Australia Day and Easter. :)
Love this list! Your kids look to be about the same age as mine so I will be referencing often! New follower.
My oldest is only 2 so some of these won't work for us yet but I would love to try these in the future! How do you make the pinecone bird feeder? That would be fun with him now! He loves watching the birds on our bird feeders!
These are so much fun! Thanks for sharing which ones you loved and which ones worked etc. I shared the link to this post on my blog page, "Helpful Stuff." Can't wait to get started on some of these. Hope you are having a lovely day!!!!
Awesome ideas!
I just LOVE all of these ideas ! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us ! I've popped a link to you on my blog so my parents can try out some of them tooooo !
Sue :)
i got here from pinterest too
great share, thanks
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This is fabulous! Thanks for such a great list.
I love these ideas! :) Thanks for sharing!
Wow these are just brilliant. simple and inspiring .
Great list! Thanks for posting!
Love these ideas!! Totally going to use them once I have kids, and with my nieces and nephews in the meantime!
For anyone looking for the lava lamp directions, I Googled it, here's a link to one of the sites I found:
Thanks again for sharing!
We used the potato stamps (and the sponges would be good too) on rolls of paper to make home made wrapping paper for Christmas.
Wow! What a great list! Thanks for putting this together.
Wow! This is fantastic. My son is only 15 mo & not quite ready for some of these, but I am so excited to share some of these activites with my nieces & nephews and eventually my soon. Thanks for compiling these activites & sharing pictures!
What fun and super cute ideas!
I love your use of oreos to teach the phases of the moon, but I hate to point out that there is an inaccuracy. The waxing moon appears on the right side and the waning moon appears on the left side.
Wow! It inspire me to make a schedule for my kids this summer vacation!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!!
thanks these are wonderful ideas!!!
Hoe do you do the lava lamps and the crayon and rock
Thanks for this! I'm now buzzing with excitement!
You could try Sled kites this year. They are super easy to fly and made of ripstop nylon. Some have fiberglass rods, others don't (usually the smaller ones). You may also consider a box kite. They come in crazy shapes like squares and triangles and behave differently depending on windspeed.
I love this! My little man is just old enough to start doing some of these things and I can't wait to get started. BTW, I LOVE that you made August 20th your donut day. It's our anniversary! And I think it should be our donut day too.
Fantastic List! The marshmallow structures activity becomes even more fun if you make jell-o, then place the structures on the jell-o and see if they can withstand an "earthquake". It's a great lesson in architecture and science! (Fun to eat afterward, too.):)
Thank you for providing this, there are a lot of great ideas here!
The ironic part is that I found you via Pinterest, and in your intro you say that you found a lot of this stuff from that same site!
ha ha... it all comes full circle.
This is a great list! Thank you for providing so many great ideas in one place. I share ways to facilitate memories as a family on Fridays on my fan page. I invite you to join or stop by.
This is an EXCELLENT list!! Thank you so much for these inexpensive ideas! With a 4 year old and a newborn, it's nice to have a few "just for him" activities that the baby "doesn't get to do"! :-)
Great list! Thanks for making it where I only need one Pin for many good ideas!
This is an incredible post! Thank you for sharing! You've got a new follower here!
You should stop by my blog sometime too! We can be blog buddies! :)
Jess from
I am curious to know more about the hot rock coloring. Do you have a link or directions?
This is such an awesome list! I found and repinned this on Pinterest :) I'm off to check out the rest of your blog!
I love this list. I am definitely putting a bunch of these on my families summer bucket list challenge. I am signing up to follow you too!
What a great list! Thanks so much for sharing. I know we'll be using these this summer.
The nail polish "makeup" thing is so smart!
Oh my gosh! I love love love the mess-less makeup idea!! :-) Thanks :-)
Ok. It may be that I'm not that creative or because it's almost midnight but I don't get the mess less makeup:(. Can someone explain?! BTW great list!
Ok. It may be that I'm not that creative or because it's almost midnight but I don't get the mess less makeup:(. Can someone explain?! BTW great list!
Hey how do you make the lava lamps I think #60
Hi! My name is Tawny. Just wanted to say I really enjoy your blog! I love to come look at your makeup reviews and such! Love these ideas too! Thanks for your fun posts! :)
Love this Post!!! Thanks!!! WOndering how you made the lava lamps!!
I wish I had kids to do these with. lol Guess I'll just have to wait another 10 years.
How do you make the lava lamps? There are no instructions and no active link. Would of loved to make these with my kids today. Thanks
What an amazing mother you must be!
I'd love a pdf, or whatever you made of the cloud viewer! Thanks!
I'm always on the lookout for things to do with the grandkids.
I was just a little surprised when you talked about scanning activity books...and even about using in church.
It's stealing. People make their living publishing those workbooks. How would you like it if someone took your husband's work away?
@Stephanie-she said she purchased the activity books. If she's scanning them for her own kids to use I must misunderstand how that is stealing. Why not scan it and take one or two pages along instead of the whole book? And then she can use it for each child. JMHO.
Great activity list! Thanks so much for sharing!
I'm a recent become stay-at-home Mom earlier this year. Your list is brilliant/fun :-) We've done many but this is inspiring! I'm excited to talk to friends about it too.
I'm a recent become stay-at-home Mom earlier this year. Your list is brilliant/fun :-) We've done many but this is inspiring! I'm excited to talk to friends about it too.
How do you do the homemade lava lamps for some reason its not showing me
Jessica Sabin -Im wondering the same thing.
I fixed the link to the lava lamps. Those are a MUST! Sorry about that!
I fixed the link to the lava lamps. Those are a MUST! Sorry about that!
I am TOTALLY in love with all these ideas, what a great Mommy!
Also my Birthday is August 20th and I LOVE donuts more than anyone in the world. I think somehow your family knew that. ;0)
Great list! My kids love the Japanese cut-outs. They make me to people holding hands, daisies, hearts, you name it.... they try to get me to make it. Some are pass, some are fail. :) Thanks for such an inspiring list.
Nice blog to reading thanks for sharing such useful information this is very helpful for student who study Assignment Solutions Online and keep continue to sharing useful information.
Not sure if ur question was answered... You empty makeup out of the container (like eyeshadow) and fill with different colors of nail polish and let dry... Makes pretend eyeshadow... They dont actually apply it, its just pretend.
Not sure if ur question was answered... You empty makeup out of the container (like eyeshadow) and fill with different colors of nail polish and let dry... Makes pretend eyeshadow... They dont actually apply it, its just pretend.
Not sure if ur question was answered... You empty makeup out of the container (like eyeshadow) and fill with different colors of nail polish and let dry... Makes pretend eyeshadow... They dont actually apply it, its just pretend.
Great Ideas, also "treasure hunting" that's exactly what my daughters call geocaching as well. And the "wish flowers" my daughter use to yell at people when they would try and tell her they were weeds and not wish flowers.
Please leave wild animals in the wild. They are not a resource for you and your children to put into bottles or tanks. Just ask yourself, when you do that, what are you teaching your children other than that it is ok to imprison an animal just to satisfy your curiosity.
Thank you for your opinion, I appreciate your passion and advice. Taking a bug net and going on an adventure and discovering will always be a past time with my children tho. We are harmless to the creatures and insects and I've taught them to be. I'd much rather put a frog in a safe vented jar (for 10 minutes before letting it go back into the wild) than having my children handle the creature in their hands and risk harming it. We never harm the creature and my children are discovering new things. They see it up close, they care for it and learn and let it go back into the wild.
I realize this is an old post but I just found it on Pinterest and I love it! I've been looking for some fun non holiday ideas for the kids to do indoors this winter since they all have asthma and the cold kicks it into high gear. Can't wait for a glow stick bath night! Thanks for the ideas!!!!
Wow thank you!! I am making a pact to do this, this summer, Thank youa!
Wow thank you!! I am making a pact to do this, this summer, Thank youa!
Wow thank you!! I am making a pact to do this, this summer, Thank youa!
Wow thank you!! I am making a pact to do this, this summer, Thank youa!
Wow thank you!! I am making a pact to do this, this summer, Thank youa!
Catching bugs and learning about them is a great idea! Be VERY careful to leave praying mantis' alone if you see them. They can spray a poison if they feel threatened. Do not want anyone getting hurt...
Nice blog to reading thanks for sharing
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More than half a million people in our country has asthma. Why do some people get it and others do not, is not yet entirely clear. Scientists are still searching for the exact cause of asthma. In many cases it appears that asthma is hereditary.Cause of Asthma in Children can occur at any age, although the disease starts to many people as a child. Research has shown that genetic predisposition is a cause of asthma. If one parent is allergic or asthmatic, is a 50% chance that the child has a tendency to irritable airways. If both parents have
I just love these ideas.I notice this can be associate recent post however I simply found it on Pinterest and that i love it! i have been probing for some fun non vacation ideas for the youngsters to try to to inside this winter since all of them have respiratory disease and therefore the cold kicks it into gear. cannot watch for a glow stick tub night! Thanks for the ideas!!!!
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I can't wait for my son to be old enough to enjoy this. And I'm very much looking forward to acting like a kid too.
Great post! I was looking up kids indoor activities when I came across your post. I am taking my niece and 2 nephews for a week while my sister goes on vacation. I don't have kids so I am a little nervous. I just want them to have fun. These are great ideas! Thanks so much for sharing. I will have to add these to my list of things.
Very nice toys and games are showing in this post. We will share it with our friends.
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The one I have a question about is the makeup with fingernail polish remover? is that the non acetone based remover? I have a 2 year old who loves to try and get in my makeup so I would love to let her try it out.
The one I have a question about is the makeup with fingernail polish remover? is that the non acetone based remover? I have a 2 year old who loves to try and get in my makeup so I would love to let her try it out.
Zhertiam, the pretend makeup is nail polish, not any kind of remover. I went to the dollar store and bought some makeup and then I scraped out the real makeup and poured in nail polish. Let it dry and they have fun thinking it's makeup without the hassle of a mess! I hope that helps! I know how you feel with a daughter who gets into my makeup still. She's 4 though!
What a great one I have seen so far! I am not creative at all, need a little help coming up with things to do for my toddler boy, thanks!!
Thank you so much for posting this. I was actually just searching up some activities to do with my autistic 7 year old nephew for his birthday today when I came across it. Your list was touching - honestly teared me up and I don't even have kids of my own yet - not even married! There's just something so special about this list. Thank you.
Whether with friends or on her own our 13 year old has decided the 15th of every month is UNICORN DAY!
I just found this blog so you may have gotten your answer already but: Take 1 pine cone. Cover it with peanut butter. Roll it in bird seed. Hang a string from it. Hang it for the birds.
Fantastic, thanks for these awesome ideas! I especially like the exercise idea, I never thought of that before!
I am so glad I found your project ideas! The first thing my 4 your old Grand daughter says to me is.."Memaw where is your project bag?! What project are we doing today?!!" I am glad we have this special crafty bond she enjoys. Your list is awesome! Found it on Pinterest!
I wish my wife was more like you
This list is great! Thanks for sharing these ideas with us!
Your moon phase Oreos are a genius idea! I think the last four are backwards though.....
Awesome ideas!
Awesome post... I really like your blog... thanks for sharing.
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I am so excited to find this blog on pinterest. Ant wait to try these! Thank you!
These are amazing i alo have two under three years old so most i cant do right now but i am pinning for future reference
Such a wonderful story!
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Just thought I'd let you know I included a link to some of your activities on my personal blog. Such cute ideas! Thanks for the post!
Amy Senter
I do believe all of the ideas you've offered to your post. They are very convincing and will definitely work. Nonetheless, the posts are too short for newbies. May you please lengthen them a little from next time? Thank you for the post.
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Just letting you know with the crayon hot rocks you can do something very similar. take a clip board or any kind of board you can stand up, grab a piece of paper and use a small piece of tape to tape it to the board then take crayola crayons and arange them pointing down in any color order you desire, tape them onto the paper, then take a blow dryer and melt the crayons! makes a really pretty art project!
Thanks for all the great advice. I need to find the best parks to visit in California, I love being outside with the kids.
Great collection, some of the activities can also be used for activities during Kids birthday parties
Very helpful in keeping the kids busy, especially after consuming lot of sweets during the parties they become super hyper.
Awesome list!!! Thank you for taking the time to put this together. And as far as #14 and "concerned comments" go - maybe some people don't realize just how many free printable homework pages there are out there. The dry erase is perfect - my kids went thru LOTS of those pages!!
I'm sitting here making a list of what I want I want to do first. :) My kids love putting shaving cream in a muffin pan and I mix a drop or 2 (for mixed colors) of food coloring to each and they get to paint in the tub. Or do the same thing with milk and then they can paint a piece of bread (not soaking it too much) and then toast it. We did it once and need to again because they loved it. Thanks again!
Wow, how lucky are your kids to have such a creative mummy :-) Thanks to you, now I hope my kids feel the same about me. Thanks for such wonderful ideas.
This is such a great resource! I babysit often and I'm always looking for new kids activities to spice things up. The rainbow volcanoes look like so much fun! How is the cleanup for that project?
Sal Wesson |
What an amazing mother you must be!
What an amazing mother you must be!kid clothes
It's not hard to sit down with your kids and make a list of things to do before the summer ends. (granted ...
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