Thanks for stopping by! I hope you get some good ideas for your Christmas Shopping. It's kinda my favorite things to do, so I do it throughout the year! I made a few different lists to help guide you faster. I love that Amazon lets you click-shop by gender and age. If it offends you that there's lists for boys/girls, I'm so very sorry for the inconvenience, but please refrain from harsh comments towards each other and emails all because I tried to help you quick shop. But you, and you alone are the soul-chooser of your child's gifts, I'm not telling you HOW to shop for your kids.
I'm only telling you to have a very HAPPY & Merry Christmas.
I'm only telling you to have a very HAPPY & Merry Christmas.

I'm making a list for 12-17 year olds because I hear that age group is pretty tough. I know a little bit, after shopping for my nieces and nephews, but I'm doing some research :)
I know I missed some so lets make a
list of MORE ideas in the comments below!
how about for a 14 year old girl? Hardest age ever to buy for...
Hate to say it but bubble bath is a HUGE no no. It can cause bladder/urinary tract infections. LOVE the other ideas tho!
When I was a teenager, my mom would stuff my stocking full of hairspray and mousse and pretty hair things and lip gloss and necklaces and things I liked.
Even fun pens that write in different colors or keychains would be fun.
My 14 year old girl is getting makeup, hair products, silly things like Tub Tints (she asked for them after seeing them and remembering using them when she was little), dvds, gum, mints (Mentos are good choices), I-Tunes G.C, disposable hand warmers, cool pens/pencils for school, books, and jewelry. I'm sure there are more ideas, but this should be a good start.
I have a three year old boy obsessed with band aids. I bought him some with cowboys.
For boys of the 3-5 set, scotch tape, envelopes, stickers that look like stamps and a clipboard. This was a huge hit with my oldest when he was that age. 6-8 year old girls and boys like Madlibs.
Thank you sharing your great ideas! I work for a family homeless shelter in downtown Columbus, Ohio and every year we set up a Holiday Store with items that are donated from people in the community. We give our parents a budget and monopoly type money to purchase items for their kids. It is a wonderful program, however ever year it seems to get harder and harder for me to come up with fresh ideas! So thank you so much for sharing your ideas!
Email me at Sorry for not giving you it in the first place lady :)
I have no kids.. But, 11 nieces and nephews. This is SOOOO helpful! Thank you!
Santa always brings batteries!!!!! And scotch tape!
all ages -
batteries (esp for toys santa brought) - i have even found the little "watch" round batteries at dollar store
"magic" washcloths (my kids LOVE)
SILLY STRING - always silly string
12-17 girls: nail polish, makeup brushes, favorite flavor of gum. 4-5 yr olds: band aids, guaze wrap, bandage tape. Ya know, for those kids that ALWAYS say ouch.
12-17 girls: nail polish, makeup brushes, favorite flavor of gum. 4-5 yr olds: band aids, guaze wrap, bandage tape. Ya know, for those kids that ALWAYS say ouch.
12-17 girls: nail polish, makeup brushes, favorite flavor of gum. 4-5 yr olds: band aids, guaze wrap, bandage tape. Ya know, for those kids that ALWAYS say ouch.
Also for the older kids they have liked lip protector like burts bees(they snow board), altoid mints, small$ giftcard for starbucks.
Hi I was wondering if you are going to post for older children before Christmas.
Wet seal/ body shop jewelry. I say these brands because its cheap under 7.00 normally. Forever 21 is too. Add lip balm. Travel size lotion, hair spray/ hair gloss and fash wash.
Wow, kind of expensive for a stocking stuffer list. You could easily spend hundreds before even getting to the regular presents.
Awesome list thank you for sharing! I'm a momma to 4 boys and I would say that a flashlight it's a hit for any age, also rope, string,etc. I know there is a strangulation hazard, but isn't everything hazardous, but my boys love love to use string, they make mazes and tie toys together, it's their favorite, also tape, of any kind, don't remember if that was on the list for boys but they love it as well.
Awesome list thank you for sharing! I'm a momma to 4 boys and I would say that a flashlight it's a hit for any age, also rope, string,etc. I know there is a strangulation hazard, but isn't everything hazardous, but my boys love love to use string, they make mazes and tie toys together, it's their favorite, also tape, of any kind, don't remember if that was on the list for boys but they love it as well.
This is a great list to get ideas from. Thank you!!
Definitely the hardest group to buy stocking stuffers for is 12-17 year old boys. I have 3 and it makes me crazy every year.
I always add a new toothbrush - to deal with all the sweets from Grandma, and thank you cards. I started doing that when my daughter was around 4 and it makes it so easy to encourage kids to say thank you after all the hoopla is over.
We have a cute tradition! An orange in the toe, and depending on age, gum, tic tacs, yummy nuts, scarves, gloves, ear muffs/headbands, etc. You get the idea...some necessities for cold weather and a bit of "old time" Christmas.
Here is our family stocking stuffer guidelines...
1. Something they want
2. Something they need
3. Something to play with
4. Something to read
All items must be under $5 each :)
Love the thank you card idea! Thanks!
Our kids get undergarments in their stockings as well as the fun items. They "need" these items and they take up a lot of space. Yay!
12 year old boys please! Also 38 year old boys! The hubby is as excited about stockings add the kids are!
How about fun/fuzzy socks?? My step-daughters (9 and 11) go CRAZY for fuzzy socks in their stocking. It is one of the first things they put on Christmas morning!
My 14-almost-15 daughter has loved crazy socks for years, so I always put those in her stocking. I've found them for under 5 bucks at Rite-Aid. A Japanese company makes adorable erasers, many shaped like food, for around a dollar each. I have done lip gloss & nail polish, but she doesn't wear either much. I have bought Bath & Body Works lotion & body wash. I've added bookmarks. I always buy a small "giant" Hershey kiss, which are a dollar. Sometimes I've found clever brain teaser-type puzzles to put in there. Last year I found Angry Birds backpack clips. My kids still like silly things, even though they are older now.
I really appreciate these lists too, but have to chime in about gender stereotypes as well. Not in an effort to criticize the writer for making distinctions, but in an effort to hopefully just get some of the readers - and hopefully the writer - thinking about how unnecessary stereotypes are, and how they limit our children. The ideas are fantasti, for all kids! I'm also a little concerned to see make up in the 2-3 year old list. Oversexualization of young girls starts with things like that, so I hope that anyone perusing these lists who does choose to include such things in their very young child's gifts also balances that out by modeling behavior that does not support the stereotypes :) Thanks again for the lists!
I worked at a Dollar Tree & since then I RARELY buy any stuffers elsewhere!! Theres 3 packs of crazy colored so ks for any age, play dough, crafts, and i grab individual drink mixes for water bottles. i grab new water bottles too! For under $30 i get my hubby, daughter, and 2
dogs all their stocking goodies!!
I worked at a Dollar Tree & since then I RARELY buy any stuffers elsewhere!! Theres 3 packs of crazy colored so ks for any age, play dough, crafts, and i grab individual drink mixes for water bottles. i grab new water bottles too! For under $30 i get my hubby, daughter, and 2
dogs all their stocking goodies!!
Socks are always a great idea, also slippers! I like to have a nice pair of fuzzy slippers poling out of the top of the stocking, it makes a nice picture. Also everyone in my family usually gets a pair so I can take a cute snapshot of all of them on the wall, or on the tree each year. My daughter is in the 6-8 year old range and her stocking will have fun chapsticks (like Jelly Belly, or some other candy flavor) costume jewelry, a few of her favorite sweet treats, mints, gum, glitter pens, and a fun notebook or drawing pad. Most of this stuff can be purchased at the dollar tree so I can do this inexpensively. Not to the same extent but I am in agreement with the Mom who made the comment about buying our girls makeup too young. I'm firmly against that practice. My daughter still thinks of chapstick as lipstick and she is 6!
Another gift worth mentioning for older kiddos would be iTunes gift cards! My niece is ten and she's constantly spending her allowance on music and app downloads :)
any ideas for stocking stuffers for 12-16 yr old BOYS?
12-16 year old boys - underwear (cause they always need it :) ) headlamp or flashlights, legos (the little mini sets that are just a few dollars at Target or Walmart) Beyblade (another throw back to when they were little that isn't too much and will be fun) gum, mints, itunes giftcards (bestbuy did have them 15% off and I believe Sam's Club regularly sells them at a discount. I keep the pack of 3 $10 gift cards on hand for last minute gifts and such) socks, new headphones, their favorite candy bar or snack, new ipod case, mechanical pencils. Some years I theme my kids' stockings - junk food (cause I don't normally allow it, including mini boxes of sugar cereal and poptarts or bath and body - so deodarant, bath/shower gel, cologne, etc... but I will say bath and body years are not normally very popular!!
Forever 21 and rue 21 always have make-up and accessories from body jewelry to headbands, and they all start at a dollar. They also have very cute trendy yet cheap clothes. You will be mom of the yr and still have money left. My daughter loves those stores. And both stores have undie bins that have cute phrase and appropriate panties for young teens. Check those stores out and u will be amazed. If u dont have them, try 579, rave, and body shop. Always winners for mine.
What is a magic washcloth? I want one lol
Forever 21 and rue 21 always have make-up and accessories from body jewelry to headbands, and they all start at a dollar. They also have very cute trendy yet cheap clothes. You will be mom of the yr and still have money left. My daughter loves those stores. And both stores have undie bins that have cute phrase and appropriate panties for young teens. Check those stores out and u will be amazed. If u dont have them, try 579, rave, and body shop. Always winners for mine.
This is a response to Sarah Davey's comment (yes, from a year ago).
My daughter is 4 this year... & she LOVES make-up. Since last year, I've been adding DIY make up to her stockings. Last year was only fake homemade make-up (pretty nail polish dried in my old, empty eyeshadow, blush, & powder foundation containers). This year will have mostly fake make-up again, but also some chapstick (maybe even tinted, but she LOVES using chapstick), & maybe some dress up stuff...
But I think it's important to allow girls (yes, girls) to experiment with make-up while they're young (just in the home, during dress up time) so that you can educate them about the proper way to use & apply make-up, so that when they ARE able & old enough to actually wear make-up in public, they'll know how.
& plus, every little girl should have make-up... fake or not.
I don't think it's stereotype or oversexualization at all.
We just need to guide them with the appropriate way to use it.
When I was a teen my father would take us to a media store and have us grab a bunch of things, leave and then he would pick a few things out of the stack. This way we always got what we wanted and there was still a sense of anticipation and surprise.
I know this is late but I hope you finish the list and if you did, please put a link to it.
Ouch! This list was sexist. This would have been a great list if it wasn't by gender
I'm bummed the lists are gone! I thought they were great and really appreciated them. Sorry some people were butts about it.
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