Who smells so good? I do. You've probably seen a lot of USES for Coconut Oil on Pinterest. You can even read about avoiding tooth decay HERE. I use it daily so I like to find more suggestions and ideas. I use it in place of butter. I use it to make granola or to grease a pan etc.
I buy this 78 oz at COSTCO for about $20. But I LOVE to buy it at vitacost.com when I get the $10 coupon.
But there's a lot of beauty uses as well. Put it in your hair, rub it all over your skin.
But have you ever TRIED to rub it on your skin???
But have you ever TRIED to rub it on your skin???
It's like chunky wax. It instantly melts when it hits your warm skin. (It has a melting degree of 76) Then all the thicker chunks slide right off your skin and you end up with a messy hassle of playing catch with your chunks.

SOLUTION: Whip it up for about 5 minutes. Add essential oil for a variety of uses like lavendar for sleepy children or Frankincense for your age defying cleanser/moisturizer or lemon simply because it smells so darn good combined with coconut!
I'm starting to use Coconut oil in place of my 'Oil Cleansing Meathod' that we've previously talked about.

CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Keeping it in an air tight container keeps it from hardening. Though I've left it out in the bowl before when I first made it, and it only hardens slightly and is still creamy. (texture is so difficult to type about)
Keep out of extreme temperatures. If by chance you leave it in your car during the summer and liquify it, put it in the fridge for a while, then whip it up again.
You don't need to use much because oil goes a long ways. This ends up saving me money on essential oils. I use to put a drop of Frankincense on my face every night, now one container (with 15-20 drops) lasts infinitely longer. As well as putting lavender on my children at night before bed.
Been seeing a lot of new coconut oil products used as a body butter but I actually use just one brand. Although I know that whatever brand it may be, they all give just the same coconut oil benefits and that is why I continuously use this as my skin moisturizer.
Making some of this tonight!! Maybe some Citrus Bliss or maybe Balance? We all know I'm unbalanced of course....thanks for the great idea! Love your guts!
Coconut Oil on Pinterest. You can even read about avoiding tooth decay HERE. I use it daily so I like to find more suggestions and ideas. coconut water health benefits
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