I got 2 bar stools at the DI for $6. I LOVED the squircle tops! (square/circle) But the hot glue gun mess and crazy undone paint job wasn't workin for me, so I sanded down the ungliness!

Got some FABULOUS paper at Michaels (it's all 40% off right now)
I love old looking paper, like newspapers and writing...I dont know what it is, but I cant leave it alone!

Used my OH SO LOVELY Mod Podge and put about 4 peices randomly on the top of the Bar Stool. (Yes it's hanging off the edges!)

Took a blade and cut off the edges once it dried.

Do I do TOO much furniture refurbishing with paper? OH well. There's too much fun paper out there to stop!

NOTE#2: Before mod Podging big projects, mist both sides of the paper with a clear spray paint and let it dry and THEN modPodge it on to avoid BUBBLES!
NOTE3: Selling these at THIS craft fair
Okay: First of all, misting the sides of the paper with clear spray paint is GENIOUS. Seriously. Do you think hairspray would work? Just a thought....
As for your stools....FABULOUS! I wish I had a spot for cute barstools at my apartment....maybe someday when I have a real house!!!!!!
Seriously, though I TOTALLY am in love with those stools. They look GREAT! In fact, I might have to feature these over at my blog.
PS, I did this same sort of thing with a kids' craft table. You can see it by going here: http://craftrookie.blogspot.com/2009/06/my-first-mod-podge-creation-first-i.html
ohhhhhhh get out.
I absolutely LOVE how this turned out. I've been wanting to make over some tv trays and I think I'm going with this idea. Hopefully they turn out like the stools did. Too freakin' cute!!! Thanks for sharing!!
this looks great! Those papers look perfect!
and thanks for the tip about the clear spray paint... good to know!
Thank you so much for the tip about the spray paint on the paper first to prevent bubbles. I've done a couple of project and have done them different ways but couldn't seem to avoid the bubbles. THANK YOU!!!!
those are SO romantic and fun. love them!
Love them! Beautiful redo! Another good tip for bubbles is after it dries go over it with a hair dryer and the bubbles will smooth right out! Modge podge rocks! Love the paper you chose for the stools!
These are so great. I love the paper you used and thanks for the modePodge tip!
Linds! You did such a great job - beautiful!! May I post??
Sweet! =)
I love this!! I really, really need barstools - but I haven't been able to find any (only looking at garage sales and thrift stores) when I find them - I am for sure gonna do this! Thanks so much!
Also - funny... I just posted the same exact picture with the "celestial pumpkins" from Martha's website. I guess great minds think alike!!
These are SOOO cute!
I love that old paper too!!
I love old wordy paper too. It' fantastic. These CHAIRS are fantastic. I think it's great that you redo furniture with paper. Paper is cheap and there is so much to choose from. Does it last well? I'm assuming it does or you wouldn't keep doing it.
I Love how you find something oh so sad and tackle it to help it be happy again. Some of the before furniture (ok actually all of it) that you've worked with would intimidate me and I wouldn't no where to start. You make it seem as easy as pudding.
Hey Linds,
The stools turned out great. I like to decoupage too so the tips for avoiding bubbles will come in very handy...thanks. Your blog is so much fun. Have a great day.
MMMM. I love those too. The tops are to die for!!!!
I'm so WANTING THESE!! You are so friggin' talented it makes me sick! Haha!
Oh my gosh these are so adorable!! LOVE them! You are so creative!
Way cute!! You can never go wrong with your paper...your projects always turn out so dang cute. Thanks for the tip to avoid bubbles...very good to know. That will probably save me a lot of frustration and cursing to myself...ha ha...those bubbles can really get under my skin.
How fun! Very creative!
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