Put your computer down, step back and lose yourself in a new and enchanting world of mystery, excitement, romance, and thrilling chases! There's nothing like getting the kids fast asleep, cozying up while opening the pages, and escaping to a new world!
Here's today's TOP PIX!
The Goose Girl
~Shannon Hale
~Victoria Forester

If I'd Killed Him When I'd Met Him...
~Elizabeth MacPherson
{I need more reading material} :)
Jasper Fforde is one of my favorite authors. He has two different series. The Thursday Next series is the one I have read. They are awesome and a really fun read!
Have you read the Hunger Games by Suzzane Collins?? If not, the 1st and 2nd book is a MUST!!!!! I love the Fablehaven books too!!
I've been reading "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. I'm only about halfway done, but I'm really liking it. At first it was kind of a difficult read...but it gets easier as you go...and it makes you think...
just got goose g. from the library at your request. harry potter fan through and through.
hey! I gave you an award on my blog ;)
I have read each of those and totally agree with you. They are great.... and i recommend the Hunger Games 1 and 2 by Suzanne Collins. I couldn't put it down or stop thinking about it.
I LOVED The Goose Girl. Have you read the next 2 in the series, Enna Burning and River Secrets? I loved them, but Goose Girl was my favorite. I Capture the Castle (I think it's by Dodie Smith) is good, Walk Two Moons by Creech (can't remember the first name) is a good youth fiction book. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a fun book too. I LOVE to read, so I'm always looking for new things to read.
There's actually a 4th in the goose girl series now, Forest born.
My newest favorite book: Faery Rebels: Spell Hunter. It was AWESOME!
I loved the Fablehaven Series!
You need to read "Graceling" and it's companion book "Fire" amazing stories, much like Fablehaven.
Also the "City of Bones", "City of Glass", and "City of Ashes" Excellent each of them!
The "Wicked Lovely" series
"The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire"---- so good...
Any of these I mentioned, you will not be sorry to read!
I wish I could name a few good books {that are new}, but to be honest, I haven't been able to sit and read a book since my youngest was born.....16 months ago. I love reading a good book! I'd kill to have time to read!
my favorite right now is The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The sequal catching fire is a good as well...but a tad bit dissapointing. Nevertheless it's a must read. I also liked The Host by Stephanie Meyer, The Dark is Rising by somebody Cooper, Christmas Jar by Jason F. Wright, The Book Thief by Suzak, and The guernsy Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I just finished The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck, I'm glad I read it but as I was reading it wasn't my fave. Next on my list is Stargirl, then The Which from blackbird Pond. Hey, you should check out goodreads. I love it. It's a great way to find out about books. The I hadn't heard of 2 of the books on your list. I'll be sure to check them out. Thanks.
Right now I am reading A Wrinkle in Time with my 8th grade students.
-Time Travelers Wife
-Water for Elephants
-The Compound
-Her Fearful Symmetry
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