Have you seen New Moon? Are you planning on going?
What are your expectations?
Mine were relatively HIGH. 
Let me tell you this much...

Let me tell you this much...

It blows the first movie out of the water x10.
It's very humorous, and I LOVED that!
The Volturri are simply Amazing!

And the Vampires...they truely LOOK like vampires.
It's MmmmAzing!
Taylor {Jacob} not only GREW, but so did his talent. He does so GREAT!
The love TRIANGLE is in NO way disapointing, and is put together BEAUTIFULY!

The love TRIANGLE is in NO way disapointing, and is put together BEAUTIFULY!
And the 'breakup'...well, I wasn't expecting to cry, but WOW.

I went to New Moon with the HIGHEST expectations and was NOT disapointed!
I'm still a faithful fan and own the first movie and watch it as faithfully as I do Pride and Prejudice. But I told myself that none of the movies are going to be as good as the books.
And I know they didn't have a great budget to shoot it, but after seeing the SEQUEL {NewMoon}...I think they could have stayed more true to the story line in Twilight than they did.
I kept telling myself that the movie will ALWAYS differ from the book so get over it, and it's true...watching the movie will always be different from the book. But everything that was different from the book in the NEW MOON Movie was still EXCELENT!
I laughed, I cried, I cringed, I grinned, and I was VERY deeply swooned by both male parties of the triangle!
I'm a fan of the New Moon Book. A lot of people find it to be their least fav, but I've grown to be a fan (I wasn't before). And I actually like the movie better than the book! There. I said it.
I'm a fan of the New Moon Book. A lot of people find it to be their least fav, but I've grown to be a fan (I wasn't before). And I actually like the movie better than the book! There. I said it.
I'll be reading the first book and watching the second sequel movie!
Cant wait to see how the other director does for the Third {Eclipse}. Although I'm now a huge fan and very fond of the second director Chris.
P.S. My husband took me to the midnight premier, because...well...he's perfect, and just for your info and for all the guys out there...HE LOVED THE MOVIE!
I sure hope so. I was a little disappointed with twilight but still own and watch the movie. So I really hope the New Moon movie is better! Will be heading to the theater soon to watch it.
I will be too! heehee.
Linds~ I am so STOKED to see new moon with my sister tonight. I think it looks so much better then Twilight. You can clearly see in the previews for New Moon, that the budget was larger. I cannot wait.. and OHHH' Jacobs abs, NICE!
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oh it was soo soo good!!!
I second everything you had to say. I was pretty disappointed with the firt movie...but I think A TON of that had to do with the director. Chris did so good with this movie it worries me how the others can live up to it ya know...
And I totally teared up a couple times....ugh...there were some gut wrenching parts in this movie...
so good!!!
Went and saw it last night...or this morning at midnight & LOVEEEEEEEEEEEED it!!! I was worried about staying awake. I didn't need to worry. It had my attention from the beginning to the end. AMAZING.
SO glad to hear that you thought so highly of it! I too LOVED the first movie and watch it OFTEN. Of course it wasn't exactly like the book but I still loved it and I fully anticipate loving this one! I promied my family I've see it with them when we are all together on Thanksgiving day but I am really regretting making that promise now!!!
Your right, it was AMAZING! And yes, I screamed along with everyone when Jacob took his shirt off :)
I was hoping it would be better than the first! I am excited to see it!
I am also excited that you brought your music back... I love your playlist! : )
My feelings are the same as yours on Twilight! So I too am going to see New Moon with the expectations bc of how disappointed I was in Twilight. Hope I'm as impressed as you were!! And hey if I'm not I get stare at Jacob the whole movie so I guess it's a win-win situation!
My thoughts exactly on the movie Twilight compared to the book. I am going to the movie tonight. I love this series! I am very excited to see the movie tonight. I did not see these posters before. The posters are amazing! I think I like the "He's Gone" the best. Wow, so much emotion.
To all the Twihards out there.
I am a HUGE fan!! I won't be able to see it in theatre for another week. It's going to be a LONG wait! My sister sent me the link to your blog and last night she sent me a picture of her next to a cardboard cut out of Edward. I even asked her to fun her hands up his chest for me lol.. yep I'm a twilight freak!!
I've read all the books 5 times
We are totally Twilight junkies!!! Micki saw the midnight premiere and teri is going tomorrow. Go team Jacob :)
Just got back and loved it. Saw the first movie once and that was enough. I went tonight to New Moon with the expectation that there was no way it could be any worse than Twilight (sorry, but Twilight was a huge disappointment). Anyway, I highly recommend going to New Moon now while it's new--the audience reactions make it even more fun. And yes, the breakup scene was well done--it took me right back to being 'dumped' by someone I adored waaaaaaaaaay back many new moons ago! Anyway, I wouldn't have gone if I hadn't been invited and I must admit I am sooooo glad I went. It was worth it. (I adore the books--have read them at least two some more times). Oh...and I agree with a previous post. I like your playlist. Yours is the only one that doesn't irritate me when I have my speakers up full blast and I'm not expecting music! Thanks for your blog. I'm a faithful reader.
we have tickets to go next wednesday. i thought twilight the book was better than the movie- but i di not like new moon- it took me forever to get through it- if i wasn't reading ahead to moniter them for my 11yo(at the time) to read them too- i wouldd have stopped the series- Bella was just so whiny- but the movie trailor looks good! Like it will be better than the first which makes me even more excitied for the next one- book three was my favorite!
hooray for New Moon! Husband and I go at 4:30 today. I'm much more excited for this thatn I was twilight. Well, I was still in twilight denial when the first movie came out and wasn't sure I was going to jump on the band wagon. When I found some time I read the books (all 4 in 5 days) and then rented movie when it came out on video a wekk later. I watched it 3 times. By the 3rd time and watching the deleted scenes..I finally liked it. The first time was TORTUROUS.
I'm so glad you liked this one as much as you did. I'm also glad that this series is one that guys and gals can both like. My husband liked the first one and is excited for this one too. Extra hooray!
I have dreams/nightmares about the vulurri. ...but I even like the nightmares. I'm so excited to see them! haha ok, I shall stop ranting now.
This is Micki and I am with you. I went at midnight both last year and this. While last year was fun.....this year was amazing!!! My friend from work it a total junkie and rented us a private theater and we had a twiparty. And Kiowa Gordon who plays either Quinn or Embry (can't remember which) came by to say hi. And we had a raffle and games and stuff. And the movie blew me out of the water.
AMEN sister...to everything you said! I LOVED the movie (dare I say it) more than the book. Accckkkk...I can't believe I just said that! I am a FIRM believer that the book is always better than the book. New Moon, the movie, was fantiddlytastic! I cannot wait to see it again.
This one was a KA-JILLION times better than Twilight. Oh my gosh, the different was night and day! And Jacob is ooh-la-la! Need I say more? (Don't get me wrong, I'm an Edward-fan, personality-wise...but Jacob was H.O.T) How is he only 17!??!?!?!??
And you are right...the movie was way funny in all the right places....sad in all the right places...and Kristin Stewart did a WAY better job in this movie than the last one. She's coming into her own, I guess.
I read all the Twilight books...but only once...I was not overwhelmed by them...maybe I was just "whelmed" (Sorry...Office reference)...but I may have to go and read them again now that the second movie was so awesome. I may soon become a Twi-Hard. :)
I also went to the midnight premiere! It was a madhouse! I thought the movie was good though, and my dear husband came with me. It was totally worth the 3 hrs of sleep I got before going to work after it :)
saw it- finally!- loved it!!! Am counting down until June 30th. ;)
I Love it too! I really want to see it again.
Loved the movie- 100 times better than the first. Edward needs to shave his chest. I just dont imagine a porcelin vampire with hair. That was wierd. I have my tickets for the June 30th premiere of Eclipse!!
Ha- Your a nerd... And so am I! lol I just don't let on that I like'em too much, but secretly I'm in love. TeeHee
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