This is a SUPER fun idea for all kids! I did it with 12 and 13 year old girls, and I dont think they could've been MORE excited!
Materials You'll Need:
1-inch diameter Styrofoam ball
White craft foam
Permanent marker
Hot glue gun
Small, clean glass jar with lid (we used a baby food jar)
Teflon tape (if needed)
Crayola Model Magic clay*
1-inch diameter Styrofoam ball
White craft foam
Permanent marker
Hot glue gun
Small, clean glass jar with lid (we used a baby food jar)
Teflon tape (if needed)
Crayola Model Magic clay*
INSTRUCTIONS: Gently form the Styrofoam ball into a cube by pressing it against a table with your thumb.

Cut 6 hearts or squares from the craft foam and write an answer with permanent fine-point marker on each one, such as "Yes," "No," or "You bet." Attach these hearts to all 6 sides of the cube with hot glue.

Place the answer cube in the jar and fill the jar with water right to the top. Close the lid tightly and test for leaks. If your jar isn't watertight, wrap Teflon tape around the jar's threads before closing the lid. (I would use the tape for all of them).

Cover the jar with Model Magic clay starting on at the lid and work your way to the Bottom of the baby food jar, leaving the bottom of the jar clear.(I used a knife to cut off the excess clay)Roll small pieces of Model Magic into snakes, and use them to decorate the outside of your oracle with what ever design you wish! Let it dry for 24 hrs (48 hrs if you made it too thick)

Ask your oracle any
YES or NO question you WISH!

(Some pictures by Family Fun Disney)
What a great idea! I'll have to try this! Thanks for sharing the idea. :)
i'll bet your yw loved this. you are great. let me know what night you want to stay at our pad. xxoo
Awesome idea, Linds! Way to go!
Such a great idea! And what a coincidence to today's Woot shirt! http://shirt.woot.com/Friends.aspx?k=13738
oh this is soo cute way to go I can't wait to make these with my niece and daughter :)
What a cute idea for teens! Thx for sharing!
Hi There,
I recently added a Link Party Directory to my blog site, Tools Are For Women Too!, listing just over 100 link parties. I made sure that your party was included. Here is the link http://toolsareforwomentoo.blogspot.com/p/link-parties.html Please take a look at it when you have time and link back to me somehow ,if possible. I also do a link party called Modern Craftswoman Monday. Thank you. Rory
I bet your young woman loved that idea. Fun!!
I bet you could even add food coloring or soap to the water to make it more interesting.
The jar lid could even be hot glued on to the jar.
Great idea!
Fun!!! I have past on the Trendy Blog award to you congrats!!!
Super cleaver, and their SO much cuter that the "8 Ball"....
Just stopped in to give you a special award. you can find it HERE
I know you are busy but I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog.
Here is the link for your award!!!
So I was looking for beachy decor ideas and I googled "sea shell decorations" and your shell decor balls popped up. I absolutely love them and they look so great. I've been browsing around your site and it's great!
Hey its Mindy from Twisted CopyCat and I am awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award! Please visit my site to see all the details and to pass it along to your favorite blogs!
That is way cool! LOL Would love to have you share it at Trendy Treehouse as a Guest Blogger. Email me at trendytreehous@me.com if you are interested.
Its a Great idea!
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very cute idea and looks easy enought to make with the kids! A teen would love this craft!
cute idea! love your blog:)
I love this!!!
how cute, i will have to make one of these and put happy things on all sides! Thanks for sharing, check out my satin flower tutorial http://dejavucrafts.blogspot.com/
Okay, just wanted to check in and say HI! Miss your posts ;( But want to tell you I have been curling my hair every once in awhile with your Hollywood Wave Tips and EVERYONE compliments me! It's so flattering...and then I say "Isn't it Cuegly?!?!" I get the wierdest looks...wonder why....
This is crazy cool! Definitely want to make this one!
That's such a cute idea! I'm always looking for more Model Magic ideas, as my son got a LOAD of it for Christmas!
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